So one of my clients had a first “voetstoots” deal today, small problems, but nothing to chew your wrists off about. In some way she came to the conclusion that this is a “racial” thingy aaaand discrimination against her as female. Why the heck do people jump to the first easiest sorry ass possi when a situation doesn’t go their way?
Then I had to witness a woo hoo handing over one of my “leads” to another woo hoo colleague, deny it and lie to my face! (wtf!!)
Ok, by this afternoon just when I thought I could hit the road home, a customer asked me to visit them and supply a guideline selling price for something. Well well, wont turn away business, so there I go. After more than an hour (after hours) I had to find out that the end is near and all the sign are there, earth quakes, vulcano’s …and if you read Mathew :* you would see …
and thats the reason why he wants to sell everything and move to who knows where. He’s just not sure if he must wait until the so called paw-paw hits the fan or… The next moment, he told me not to stand with such a grin on your face, because it is a serious matter and … yup yup yup” :
Giegiegiegie and there I was thinking of the right moment to offer him that 100k we discussed here on the site. ;D
So I just had to tell him to rather sell now, because prices hit rock bottom when the market is over stocked >:D $$$
What a relieve it is to get in ones car, drive away and curse the living shit out of some customers!
What a shitty day, Jane, dealing with friggen woo-woo nut-cases like this cannot be easy. But we will take their money if they want to be so stupid (it’s sometimes how I feel about doing wedding gigs hehe).
Nope didn’t give them the approx sales price as yet, have to do it today, must say it doesn’t look all that colourful though, economy being what it is currently. So I guess they’re gonna wait for the next “sign” before handing over the deal to me :
I too would go for a deal like this, because what they receive is market related prices and good service like any other customer would receive and in no way comparable with what their churches/religion offers to them and being a one way transaction!(in my opinion anyways)
Thanks Mintaka I would check it out!
“Two Thousand years of miserable employment” nogal, can imagine what to expect there ;D
Funny how he wants to sell everything… I mean, if its the end of the world, what will he do with the money? or do you pay for parking in heaven too? Shouldn’t he be donating some stuff to charity or something?
Rememba …Everyone is out to get them : so they wanna move moerland toe, taking the bare essentials. I guess they are tired of picking up pebbles on their driveway, difficult to decide if it was a skelm who marked their property or a signal from gawd (totally ignoring the fact that there is kids playing around in their neighbourhood)
A friend of my Mother’s son, just after 911, was convinced by some sect or another that the end is nigh, he sold his house and everything in it, gave the proceeds to his church, resigned his job, moved his wife and two kids into his folk’s home and awaited the rupture… its 9 years later, the dude’s still not been able to find another job, his wife got some menial paying job somewhere and they’re leeching off the old people’s pension AND they’re still staunch believers in said sect. Bloody idiots.
I guess it would have been too much for sect members to organize a job for a fellow believer, or did his stupidity also amazed them because they themselves didn’t believe all that crap as much as they should have
Funny how religion has caused so much damage in people’s lives. Yes - they are stupid to believe it. Yes - they made rash decisions. But at least they acted on their beliefs so “hypocrite” is not one of the words we are adding to the list. The other members of the same cult who didn’t sell all their stuff? And are now sitting pretty with houses and jobs? They are a different kettle of fish.
But what astounds me is that these cults (like Christianity for example) will always lay blame on the members. They will NEVER consider revising their actual beliefs and saying, “Oh shit - we are such idiots to have believed all that”.
Imagine if the Pope were to stand before the masses one day and apologize for the deception, “I just want to announce that we have deceived you for the last 2000 years. Christ is a myth and we have unfairly taken advantage of humanity’s propensity for credulity. We apologize for leading you astray, and now I suggest you all go home, throw your prayer-beads away, and live your lives by reason and intelligence. Have a nice day. Bye.”
I’d love to see what reaction this scenario would evoke. I would imagine that the first reaction by the majority would be denial, and that the pope is demon possessed. The second likelihood is mass histeria and suicide. Would be fascinating.
When Edward Likganyani (original leader of the ZCC and self-proclaimed Christ-incarnate) was on his death-bed, he told his church and elders not to bury his body because, like the original Christ, he would rise from death after 3 days. When this, obviously, did not happen, his elders announced that Edward had indeed been “raised from death” spiritually and that his spirit now inhabited his two sons Edward (juniour) and Engenus. These two brothers now lead the two branches of the ZCC (one with the star-badge, and the other with the dove-badge).
The congregation bought the lie and still sing songs of worship to their respective leaders, still believing them to be Christ-incarnate.
Quick thinking by the elders to keep the whole thing going and prevent too much mud on their faces after Edward (seniour) stayed dead. If the Pope had a momentary lapse of truth, his bishops and cardinals would probably find some way of demon-izing him. But it would still have great entertainment value. >:D
Picture this: All church buildings, cathedrals, mosques and other property belonging to the religious movements worldwide including holy artifacts, stolen art and scriptures hidden from the world, stock and shares, gold and jewelery is sold off and the proceeds put to some beneficial use such as food production, job creation, poverty reduction (we’ll always have the poor) or whatever blows your hair back…problem is what do we do with all the unemployed popes, cardinals, bishops, mulahs, nuns, charismatic preachers etc. Sorry Jane this is a long way off your shitty day…
All religions do this. When the world fails to end when they prophesy it will, they just change the date; when their leader fails to rise from the dead, they make up some justification to keep the flock giving. It isn’t a coincidence that the congregation is called a flock, incidentally, it is composed of people who have abdicated their power of reason, so comparing them to sheep is apt.
You mean the spelling? I get so friggen confused with US vs UK spelling at times e.g. honor vs honour and humor vs humour, I just assumed that junior vs juniour and senior vs seniour were the same. I give up … maybe we should just standardize US spelling and then I might know when to leave out the “u”. :-\
And all of this wisdom from Faeries shitty day having to deal with woo-woos and their gullibility - hope you’re feeling better now Faerie (we got a BIT side-tracked now and again but we DO care - promise).