Pope speaks his mind

Found this on PZ’s blog, LOL:

Tim Minchin - Pope Song

The “poep” … heheh LOL. Sure beats His Popiness the Hole.

the poep. ah ha ha haaa. brilliant. plus one for you mate.

oh dear lord peter, that is the funniest shit i’ve seen all month ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

“Dear Lord Peter”, I could get used to being addressed this way. ;D :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah-aah, you introduced capitals, me lord.

Lower case works for me too, as long as you don’t capitalise anything else. Actually, I think that will be my first commandment, “THOU SHALT CAPITALISE NOUGHT BEFORE THE LORD THY GOD”

I still find the “Thou Shall” and "Thou Shalt Not"s of the woo extremely annoying. I prefer the "I’d really rather you didn’t"s of the eight condiments of pastafarianism, such as: “I’d Really Rather You Didn’t Act Like A Sanctimonious Holier-Than-Thou Ass When Describing My Noodly Goodness.” ;D

but why oh lord peter should we only capitalise Nought? please oh mighty one, may we capitalise other words too?

You know, me too. I also find it annoying when anyone else tries to do it. Giving divine commandments in archaic speech is kind of fun though. I think it’s a male ego thing because part of me is horrified at the idea, but another part of me wants to SMITE MINE ENEMIES. WRATH AND VENGEANCE might be diverting too. Worshippers? Now we’re talking!

Guess my point is, it’s pretty obvious where these character traits of God originated.

Sorry Steve its only cute when GCG does it.


I like it!

My son sometimes plays a computer game called “Black and White”. You basically play the part of God and you have subjects doing all sorts of things at your bidding. Some of your subjects are given the task of simply worshipping you and they all bow down at a kind of altar thing. One day, by mistake, he dropped a huge rock on his worshipers and killed them all. It was hilarious. We started joking about “smiting” and “they didn’t bow down far enough - slackers” and laughed so much the tears were rolling down our cheeks.

Ah - the god-wish. The movie Bruce Almighty had a good swipe at it - brilliant.

Sorry Steve its only cute when GCG does it.

I know, I know. i repent. Ooops. I repent. Hheheh.

Fun game, let him show you the evil god, lovely stuff, very blasphemous, also love “klapping” my pet cow (for some reason I like the cow)

that game sounds like something i could enjoy too.
any idea where i can download a demo?

Seen it. I knew he was playing the “evil” god when I could hear little bursts of laughter every now and again. It’s really funny. You klap your cow Faerie??! Now there is a thing you don’t want taken out of context. LOL Heheheheh.

GCG: it’s an old game, and most game shops should have it for around 50 bux (if they even have it still).

wots its name, maybe i can get it on some viral site

I’m a psychotherapists’ wet dream. ;D

It’s called “Black and White 2”.

cool. fanks.

Not true. He was far too young. He was in the Hitler Youth. He talked crap in Glasgow.