Here in Middelburg they build a “Prayer Oven”. A place where you can go and pray. Nice garden with a big metal cross. The ground was donated by the municipality but the churches build it on their cost. I have never seen anybody actully using it. However, this morning I saw a palm reader caravan parked next to the oven. What to do now? Do you get your palm read and then go and pray that all is going to happen like she said or go and pray first that she will see the future correctly? There is no sign to help you.
Heh! I wonder how long she’ll be allowed to squat there, the religious folk frown upon this type of thing!
on a serious note, what a waste of money, now wouldnt the money spent on this bullsh*t been better utilised at a children’s home or the like?
they could have used that money to build a shelter for abused women, or homeless kids, or aids orphans, or homeless and abused animals.
but nooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
let’s create this empty piece of land, who nobody uses (surpise)
epic fail.
Does this mean you can only pray while baked?
“Prayer oven?” A “prayer coven” would have made more sense. Perhaps you should add the “c”, Tweefo.
No, Prayer oven. Bid oond in Afrikaans. The aim is, so they say, to build one in every town. Guess there are not have enough churches. It is a inter church thing where you can go and pray anytime of day or night. You can’t go to the church in the middle of the night as it is locked and burglar proofed. It doesn’t look to bad but like I said, never seen anybody in it. A car crashed in to it a while back though.
Here is a Google Earth photo or go on Google Earth to 25"46’32.70"S and 29"27’10.51"E Make sure your street view is on and click on the camera there.
Wow, the house of god needs Trellidor!? Oh, the ironies – endless and priceless…
LOL! But NOT a “Prayer Oven” but a “PRAYEROVEN”, one word, one god, world without end, amen. Worrafuck is the “oven” bit about - does it allow you to practice for your afterlife roasting in the pits of hell?
I propose a weekend outing to Middleborough, to the oven, where we can braai our meat on the hell-flames, have a group hug, and pay obeisance to Allah-baby.
And people have the gall to deny the absurdity of our existence.
PS. Isn’t an “oond” a duck or something?
No 'n eend is a duck… I know I have 6000 of them ;D
C’mon guys this Oond is to bake cookies or contain cooked gooks!
Gebedsoond: Verskeie gemeentes is betrokke by die Gebedsoond visie. Tydens die openingsgeleentheid het mense van oral gekom om klippe op die altaar te plaas om gebed sigbaar te maak. Die Gebedsoond bied die geleentheid vir almal om ter enige tyd te kom bid vir ons dorp. Ons glo Middelburg is ’n proto-tipe vir ander dorpe en moet ’n getuienis uitdra van misdaad voorkoming. ’n Afname in immoraliteit, geestelike herlewing en ’n gees van gebed. Die volgende tye word aanbeveel vir gebedsgroepe by die oond. Maandae 10:00 Ope geleentheid Dinsdae 10:00 Huisvrouens Woensdae 10:00 Ope geleentheid Donderdae 10:00 Ope geleentheid Vrydae 11:00 Straatmense en werkloses Waartydens brood uitgedeel word 15:00 Kinders Saterdae 09:00 Sakelui Sondae 16:00 JeugExplain to me why the separate date/time for 'youth' children' 'housewives' and 'homeless people' etc?(OK the bread for the homeless people is nice) I kinda thought they spewed stuff like - we are all equal in the eyes of god' and 'we are all gods children' and other such nonsense.
Hansie Henning het tien jaar gelede opdrag gekry om die kerk na die mense te neem. Later jare het hy nog ’n opdrag van die Here ontvang – en dit was om gebed na die mense toe neem. Hy het ’n klipstapel – die “gebedsoond” – naby die Steve Tshwete-munisipaliteit se kantore opgerig. “Die konsep van ’n oond word gebruik omdat daar soveel waardevolle goed uit ’n oond kom, byvoorbeeld brood, goud en staal,” sê Hansie. “En jou gebed moet gloei soos ’n oond se hitte – ander moet dit aanvoel.”From (wtf!!) does this guy have a direct line to the big man in the sky or something?
Errrr… no, not a single religion out there view women equally to men. They do accommodate women to an extent, but we should honestly remember to know our place in society and religion. (I remember as a young girl a hat to church were compulsary - I could never fathom why my head had to be covered but my brother’s didnt have to)
It’s obvious: women are at the same level as children, youths, the homeless etc…and need special provision. (wtf!!) Years ago my wife stormed into the Durban Club (a male enclave)to the horror of our host because women had to enter through the back door (he was a prick!)! Needless to say the DC is now extinct! Remember what Uncle Angus preaches: WOMEN MUST SUBMIT! jisses!
that pick of the prayer oven looks as tacky and kitch as anything you can find at the Crazy store, or china mall.
it’s really tasteless.
if it at least had been an elegant, pretty, place with tastefull decor, then at least one can find some peace of mind there. but it looks like a goddamn children’s playpark.
Hey, what ever happened to…
And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 6But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
not a single religion out there view women equally to men. They do accommodate women to an extent, but we should honestly remember to know our place in society and religion.
Still find it interesting that there is a separate time for ‘huisvrouens’ and ‘sakelui’ Are women who form part of the ‘sakelui’ allowed to join that group? Or are they supposed to attend the open-sessions? What BS. I wonder what the Man/Woman ratio is among christians (or religious folk in general) Seems to me that women, again, get the short end of the stick, and swallow it. Makes me angry.
@Lilli: I find that women tend to be more xtian and even fundamentalist; maybe it’s a function of the centuries of discrimination against them that riles them and now they’re trying to prove a point… ???
Suppose it could be argued that women are so used to being told what to do (by men) over the centuries, that its easier for women (or perhaps more desirable) to follow a specific religion and their rules? :-\
@Lilli: I find that women tend to be more xtian and even fundamentalist; maybe it’s a function of the centuries of discrimination against them that riles them and now they’re trying to prove a point… ???
My personal thoughts on this is that due to abovementioned discrimination that it was the only place where a group of women could “legally” get together and just be who they are without men around monitoring their conversations etc, it simply evolved in recent times as a fully blown bible study group etc, since most women do tend to have “me” time in some shape or form, the indoctrination still took place though, and its become more of a “hobby” - like scrapbooking?