Re: Religious e-mails (and the evolution of the perfect snappy comeback) - split

Yeab but they don’t have golfcarts…

I wonder if you can pre-order?

Oh man, those are totally awesome!

Who wants a girl by his side that stays a virgin for eternity ;D She won’t be that by the end of the day :wink:

I read that they are having a shortage of virgins in heaven with all these suicide bombings and all. Having to have 72 of them ready for these mindless fundies almost on a daily basis, they are having a hard time to replenish the stock. I think they said there will be a rationing system soon - most probably the more you took with you when you pushed the button, the closer you will get to 72 virgins :wink: If they run out, I suppose they will have to take those that were slightly, but gently, used ::slight_smile:

Here is a question to Mid93: were is my soul while I am alive, were will it go when I die and were was it before I were born ?

I read that they are having a shortage of virgins in heaven with all these suicide bombings and all.
You think there is a shortage now? Wait until Mr. Zuma makes his entrance. Or maybe he will go to hell… poor sods.

Every now and then an email makes the rounds with just an absurd amount of scripture quotes, these people take scripture as an irrefutable source so anything you say makes them think you’re a complete nut. Challenging their source doesn’t do much because they try to explain away everything they don’t agree with, the best response I’ve found is to give them so many contradictions and horrific acts in the bible that they quit and generally never try it again, if they do just repeat. This is a pretty good start: