Same old story

I’ve read a similar story somewhere (in America of course) but cannot find anything on Snopes. It’s a long winded affair of how they got ripped off by a big company. Anybody got a link so I can “help” these sods?

If you read the thing carefully, you’ll quickly see that it’s been adapted from a US letter — very sloppily adapted at that. For example, we don’t have a “state of Gauteng”, a “Better Business Bureau” or an “Attorney General’s Office”. Also, towards the end it refers to “Neiman-Marcus”, a US clothing and home chain.

Here’s Snopes’ write-up on the original 1996 version, also showing the SA one dated 2009.


Besides, R250 for a cookie recipe from a large food chain is chump change!

So where’s the recipe? Is it any good? :slight_smile:

It’ll cost you two-fifty. >:D


It must be me, but I understand two-fifty to be 250.

Has anybody every bought or tried to buy a recipe from a store or coffee shop? Does that happen in the real world?

Dang! Left my $250,000 in my other pants.

Crummy baker’s dungarees by Jason Dussault, I take it.


Thanks for Snopes link. Here is the recipe.

My other, OTHER pants.