Science is just brilliant!

For the last 16 years I used to wear glasses - I had an astigmatism. The fact that optometrists could, by using their gadgets, look at my eyes and make a piece of glass that corrected where light falls at the back of each eye - allowing me to be able to function normally in society - is just pretty damn cool…
Two days ago I went in for a little procedure called LASIK at Dr. John Hill’s practice in Cape Town (I had to give him a little punt :)). The procedure involves slicing the top of the cornea off, lasering the exposed cornea for just 20 seconds each, then folding the flap back. I experienced a little discomfort when the anesthetic (Another brilliant discovery) wore off and 4 hours later could see normally without glasses! It was like magic. Antibiotic (it goes without saying but I am going to say it anyway - yet another awesome discovery!) drops every 2 hours for the last couple of days prevents any infection etc.

Anyway, thought I would just share that - science is just brilliant!

Lovely anecdote, and congratulations on seeing the world through new eyes! :wink:

Yes, for effectiveness, science certainly beats praying for relief – by a factor that is literally infinite: As we all should know, for a given non-zero numerator when the denominator tends to zero, the fraction grows without upper bound… :smiley:


congrats…but not science that’s brilliant; it’s the people who do it scientifically instead of with woowoo, like homeopathy, maybe you should have used herbal drops suitably diluted with water with a memory… >:D

I lost my glasses on new years, so went for a new set yesterday. Near sighted in the one eye, astigmatic in the other one. Will have to see if I can have it fixed by frikkin lasers as well.