Skeptic bumperstickers.....

okay fluffies, print completed. only 1 printed. i think steve wanted this one. 40x300mm. R50 only 1 printed 55x200mm R30 only 1. someone wanted this, cant remember who. 80x280mm. R50 only 1 55x200mm. R30 only 1 95x185mm. R40 3 printed 90x90mm. R20 okay, evidently tweefo has placed bets on these... i think steve wanted this one too. only 1 printed 65x297mm R50 only 1 55x275mm R50 only 1 70x205mm R30 only 1 85x245mm R50

first come, first served

The Darwin fish is mine! Please save at least one but I’ve got work for all of them.

Thanks, GCG!

awesome guy, glad you like it.!!

i’m keeping the rest of the stickers on here till this friday, then they are going onto BidorBuy.

I assume you’ve got mine or given to Gav??

keeping it till i see you

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :smiley: ;D ;D ;D ;D :smiley: ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Yay \o/ They are done. Thanks GCG. I will take the “A”, the Darwin fish, and the “gravity” one. How can I get the money to you? Please email me from my peronal profile with your bank details and I will pay you via EFT. You are a STAR.

Received my stickers in the mail. Thank you SOOOO much GCG for all the effort you went to and the awesome job you did. Well done.

The “evolution” sticker is on my trombone case (which goes to all my gigs) and the “atheist A” is on the side of my rig (so that it is visible while playing my gigs. I figure that people who know what it is will be cool, and those who don’t won’t comment).

I LOVE my stickers, thanks GCG. If you have any left please let us know.

For what its worth, GCG is missing in action. Has’nt been online since November. I mailed her and she aint happy.

I know, she told me she likes skepticism and not cynicism…must say i agree. :frowning:

You may be reading it wrong, Brian. And then so is she.

She posted a thread where she was questioned on sloppy technique, claimed it was a joke while at the same time going off on everyone who was actually just adding their comments, giving their (skeptical) views.

If it really was a joke, she should have been laughing up her sleeve at “catching” the nasty skeptics.

Instead we see what I don’t think can be called anything but a temper tantrum and a running away from the forum.

A pity that, as she had some interesting contributions. But from where I am sitting, and I didn’t take part in any of it, she needs to reflect on this more than any cynic skeptics should.

Maybe you’re right Cyghost…I was commenting more on the issue of cynicism vs scepticism, rather than the content of GCG’s thread. At the end of the day maybe a touch of humour is needed to lighten the debate. In any case I miss her "sloppiness’, afrikaans and manner that elicited quite violent but highly entertaining, responses from the likes of Worsbeursie (remember him?) and the Jozi guy.

Fairly cynical myself at times but always take comfort in this:

“Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist” - George Carlin :smiley:

But I agree, GCG was loads of fun and is missed.

Forgive and forget and all that. Please ask her to come back. It was fun having her here.

I mailed her, the choice is hers though.

I miss her too, she spiced up my life in many ways.

I miss GCG too, her posts are always entertaining, and insightful, and fun.
As an aside, I thought you all might like to know that I drive around with my bumper sticker (the Darwin Fish) on my car. As some of you may know, I work for and with the biggest bunch of woo-nutjobs anyone is ever likely to meet. I got called into the boss’s office a few days after I put the sticker on my car, and had to listen to him blabber on about how much jesus loves me and how they will pray for me etc. He didn’t fire me, though. Nor was it even an official disciplinary thing. All his BS just kinda went in one ear and out the other. Didn’t even really irritate me or make me angry. And the sticker is still on my car (and I love it)

Wouldn’t this constitute a kind of religious harassment?

I miss GCG too - I wish she would return.