What Cyghost said. I’d like to have a higher restriction on the newbies though, simply to prevent trolls to have a field day, 10 posts are easily managed in a flame thread.
Cambridge astronomers have found that 42 is the value of an essential scientific constant - one which determines the age of the universe.
In his novel The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (1979) Mr Adams describes how an alien race programs a computer called Deep Thought to provide the ultimate answer to “Life, the Universe and Everything”. After seven and a half million years’ calculation, back came the answer - 42.
In slightly less time - two years- a team at the Cavendish Laboratory has managed the same feat, using a new technique to estimate the value of the “Hubble Constant”. This measures how quickly objects in the universe are receding from each other - a natural outcome of the Big Bang that created the universe. Dr Richard Saunders, who led the research, sounded a trifle abashed by the result. “We have taken two measurements for the constant, and the average of them is, well, it’s 42,” he said. But he insisted this is “entirely fortuitous” - though thousands of fans of the Hitch Hiker novels might disagree.