Hi Bluegray
Since you seem to be spring cleaning; here’s an idea for updating the rules of the forum. A “killfile” could be useful?
Hi Bluegray
Since you seem to be spring cleaning; here’s an idea for updating the rules of the forum. A “killfile” could be useful?
Jawellnofine, but at this stage this forum does not appear to be overburdened by drivelous posters anyway. Besides, who doesn’t enjoy the occasional flame war? :-X
I will forever get into trouble if I don’t express myself clearly. I did not mean that the forum actually needed all that much security! and anyway the members of this forum are unbelievably patient and courteous. I just liked the definitions and phrases.
So… perhaps the threat of a killfile will deliver a few more trolls, yes??? yes!!? Yes!
Guests cannot post anyway, so instead of a killfile, we have a whitelist
I like the word ‘Insipidity’ ;D
PS. Why did you post in the Tests section? Something like this should be in forum related. I normally ignore the test section
Sorry :-[
But here is something you will need “test” first! Not sure how members will see it, but it is a very entertainting and apparently quite accurate little test of where you stand on personal and ecomonic freedoms.
We forget, in our country, that in some other parts in the world, voters are offered rather more political choice than our own stock-standard/slightly morphed “black/white” cards.
I don’t have the skill to add this quiz - but if you deem it acceptable/applicaple, you could duplicate it here or perhaps run a poll - possibly under “FUN”.
Sorry, :-[ :-[, here’s the link…