The Danie Krügel Saga

Former Free State policeman Danie Krügel claims that he is in possession of equipment and techniques which can trace missing persons, dead or alive. A human hair is usually inserted into the equipment, the DNA is assessed and a computer program then generates the GPS coordinates of where this person can be found. He emphasizes that he is not a psychic and relies on “scientific” methods to find the missing persons. See more on

In a recent development, the body parts of an apparently occult murder victim have been uncovered in Welkom. Krügel claims to have directed the police to the vicinity.

Danie Krügel, ’n spesialis-opspoorder wat van rekenaarprogramme gebruik maak en ’n voormalige polisieman wat okkulte bedrywighede ondersoek het, het Dinsdagmiddag laat bevestig dat hy ’n gebied geïdentifiseer het wat toe deur die polisie gefynkam is.

and people wonder why i moved from there as soon as my car could take me

See also here and here.


Thanks for the links, Mefiante. I should have dug deeper. The website is good.


Skeptici Volgens Acinonyxscepticus se “skeptiese webtuiste” maak Krügel daarop aanspraak dat die toestel werk met “compassionate quantum physics (a branch of physics no other scientist has heard of) and Global Positioning Satellites”.

“Baie maklik,” sê Krügel, “kom ek wys jou. Kyk ek het al die skeptici genooi om my te besoek, maar ek speel nie vir ’n gehoor nie. Dit gaan oor mense se lewe. Gee vir my die regte wetenskaplikes in die polisie se forensiese afdeling en in kankernavorsing en as hulle daarna sê…

“Die situasie is ons word gebombardeer, daar’s skelms. Onthou, ek het al hierdie opsporings gratis gedoen. Mense sien net toe dat ek op die toneel kom, maar ek het nog nie een sent gevra nie.

“Daar’s so baie kansvatters. Met die huidige wetenskap is dit ’n probleem om die goed te verstaan.”

Hy sê wysheid begin met die dien van die Here. “Ek glo die Here het hierdie soort tegnologie aan my geopenbaar deur jare se navorsing deur my as enkelpersoon, as ’n leek. Deur nagte se werk en deur die vlakte sonder deurbrake. Ek het heeltyd probeer beskerm hoe dit werk. Nou’s die tyd hier.”

My Afrikaans was never really good, but now that I’m back in the US, it has faded even more. Heres the translation from Google translate, ok for general meaning, but I believe it is missing some subtlties of the language:

Skeptics According Acinonyxscepticus's "skeptical website" makes Krügel claims that the device works with "compassionate quantum physics (a branch of physics no other scientist has heard of) and Global Positioning Satellites.

“Very easily,” Krugel says, "Let me show you. Look I have all the skeptics are invited to visit me, but I play for a hearing. It’s about people’s lives. Give me the real scientists in the police’s forensic department and in cancer research and if they then say …

"The situation we are bombarded, there are crooks. Remember, I have done this search for free. People only see when I am on the scene, but I have not a penny asked.

"There’s so many opportunists. In the current studies, it is a problem well understood. "

He said wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord. "I believe God has this kind of technology revealed to me through years of research by me as one person, as a layman. By night’s work and the plains without breakthroughs. I constantly try to protect how they work. Now’s the time here. "

The comments contain many statements and comments that make my brain bleed profusely. But by far the winning comment is:

South African Skeptics is 'n paar ekstreme ateïste met beperkte wetenskap-kennis wat bloot ten doel het om alles wat 'n Christelike inslag het, aan te val. Hulle weier om enigiets wat met Quantum Fisika/meta-fisika verband hou, te erken (of self te toets!)en gaan uit hul pad om enige van die fenomenale deurbrake/uitvindsels op dié gebied aan te val en af te kraak as "placebo-effek" of kwasi-wetenskap. Hulle hanteer enige "verskynsel" wat hulle plat breine nie kan rasionaliseer nie op dieselfde manier as wat hulle "geloof" hanteer - met totale veragting. Hulle het geen begrip van enige verskynsel wat hulle nie in 'n proefbuis kan verklaar nie en gaan veral uit hul pad om 'n veldtog teen die Christelike geloof te loods. Kan nie glo iemand steur hom nog aan dié paar fanatici se gegorrel nie - suur druiwe omdat al hoe meer mense darem besef ons weet eintlik maar BITTER MIN van die kragte/magte wat die heelal vorm . . . en bowendien WERK dié quantum-fisika-uitvindsels 100% meer effektief as die OUtydse proefbuis-tegnieke, soos pille en chemiese middels wat mense en die natuur toenemend afmaai . . . ter wille van 'n paar maatskappye se geldelike gewin. Wens daar was baie MEER mense soos Krügel om mense se oë te begin oopmaak . . . Knap gedaan!
South African Skeptics are a couple of extreme atheists with limited science knowledge who merely seek to attack everything with a Christian slant. They refuse to acknowledge anything related to Quantum Physics / meta-physics (or even test it!) and go out of their way to attack any of the phenomenal breakthroughs / discoveries in the field as "placebo effect "or quasi-science. They consider "phenomena" that their flat brains can not rationalize in the same way as "faith" - with total contempt. They have no understanding of any phenomenon that they cannot understand in a test tube and will go out of their way to a launch a campaign against the Christian faith. I can not believe anyone bothers with those few fanatics ramblings - sour grapes because more people realize we know really very little about the forces / powers that shape the universe. . . and moreover quantum physics discoveries WORK 100% more effectively than the old test-tube techniques, such as pills and chemicals that increasingly decimate people and nature. . . for the sake of a few companies' financial gain. I wish there were more people like Krügel to start to open people's eyes . . . Well done!

I have only begun to verbalise how this stuff makes me feel. All one can ask is a verifiable demonstration that his gadget works. One is frowned upon for that simple request. He could turn us all into believers so easily. But no, asking for proof is blasphemy! I doubt this latest offer of his (he didn’t even complete his sentence) will result in accepting an actual invitation to test it by an actual scientist.

It’s been stated before but since this is a now hot topic and we may have visitors: All he needs to do is show it works in an independent, repeatable, double blind test. Then we’ll shut up. He does not need to show HOW it works. My mind will accept it based purely on the former. Something he’s thus far refused to do. Why? Nobody asked for him to open it up, just prove it. (The list of failures on the stopdaniekrugel website also seems to have no effect on the “believers” conviction). If he has failed that many times, one has to wonder what it’d take for them to change their mind?

I take comfort in the fact that ad hominem attacks are indicative of the lack of proper arguments or facts that DK or his believers can come up with. As you said, we’re merely asking the question to show that it works. Their lack of evidence in lengthy response speaks volumes.

I don’t see evidence of DK using anything more than normal police work to come to his conclusions, and in this case there were enough leads to follow up, which led to the police finding the body. If there weren’t any leads, the body would probably still be missing, just like all the other cases where there weren’t any leads and nothing was found.

To date, DK couldn’t or wouldn’t prove that his machine provides extra info where normal police work fails, and until then, his claims and that of his believers will remain as empty as the attacks on people who question him and his motives.

SA man deur Maddie McCann se ouers gekap

2011-05-22 09:00

Carien Kruger en Herman Scholtz

Johannesburg - Kate McCann, ma van die vermiste Britse meisie Madeleine, sê in haar nuwe boek dis Danie Krügel van Bloemfontein se skuld dat sy en haar man, Gerry, verdagtes in die ondersoek geword het.

McCann skryf die Portugese polisie se ondersoek het ’n wending geneem kort nadat Krügel met sy sogenaamde Matter Orientation System-toestel ’n plek uitgewys het waar gesoek moes word en daardeur geïmpliseer het dat Madeleine – oftewel Maddie – dood is.

Die omstrede Krügel en sy toestel was al talle kere in die nuus. Hy het in 2007 beweer hy het die beendere van slagoffers van die pedofiel Gert van Rooyen in die veld naby Van Rooyen se huis in Pretoria gevind.

Hy beweer ook dit was hý wat onlangs die oorskot van die vermoorde Michael van Eck in Welkom opgespoor het. Sy aansprake is egter nooit deur die polisie of forensiese kenners bevestig nie.

  • Rapport

Surely his claim is a valid one for the million dollar prize?

Yes, it is but Krügel has yet to accept the challenge. You need to decide for yourself whether Krügel genuinely doesn’t understand the JREF’s requirements for the MDC or whether he’s just playing stupid.
