the Death of Ath*ism

Crystal Night, Atheists!


Have I said this before?



Einstein puts the final nail in the coffin of atheism…

Time Travel: Einstein’s big idea (Theory of Relativity)

atheists deny their own life element…

We’ve heard you you before, now be a nice boy and go and play with the other no brainers.

Gotta love the 2 spaceships in the movie though - they are called Bertrand and Albert!


How relativity exactly makes us atheists wrong is still a mystery. And if this troll’s history is anything to go by, he’s not gonna tell us why any time soon. Pity. Cause I’m sure Mr. Einstein himself would’ve had a thing or two to say about that… (being a non-believer himself).

This guy is getting annoying now. He comes on often as a “newbie” thinking we won’t recognize him under a different name, and then puts one lame post on and never enters into dialog. And he STILL thinks that satire video is a legitimate argument for his cause. Such cowardice and stupidity can only be entertaining for SOO LONG.

So … little troll … go away.

cant one have some kind of filtering system, to mark email addresses being used by dumb fucks like this. or regocnise the aliases of these morons. as much fun as it is to waffle with these freaks, it does get rather tiring.
wait, why dont we email bomb this fucker, just to be a pain in the ass.

I’m not clever with computers, but surely you can tag his IP addy?

Oooh … tempting … or we could just ignore his posts. Probably piss him off even more.

I still don’t understand what he is trying to say? If the person would be kind enough to not just re-post the same post time and again and actually engage in some form of conversation or debate instead of threatening and rambling… Nah, forget it, this level of nonsense would probably still bore me.

How about one of you clever guys compile “The Revenge of the Atheists” and we block his blog so that he will retire into his pathetic little shell and go to the hell he has designed for us?