The Holy Virgin Mary

Abdes Pantera’s tombstone was discovered during the construction of a railroad in Bingerbrück. It was part of a Roman grave field which contained several other monuments. It is presently kept in the Schlossparkmuseum in Bad Kreuznach, Germany.

Why would Abdes Panthera be important?

Celsus was a Greek Historian who lived at the time. He wrote a book called “Alethes Logos” in which he describes the events.

Celsus’ book partly survived just because a mad Christian desperado tried refuting him phrase by phrase. That Christian was called Origen (185 - 254 C.E.). This mad Christian had castrated himself. Hereby, he fooled himself getting closer to Jesus whom the Christian church address and worship as “god”.

However, Origen did not succeed as his Christian fellows surmised him to do so. His Christian accomplices provided the evidence. His fellow Christian desperadoes posthumously condemned and excommunicated Origen as “heretic” for making that attempt at Celsus. Even though Celsus’ book was burnt, the writings of Origin survived.

Celsus reported that Mary had intercourse with Panthera. She later gave birth to the baby Jesus.This was also recorded in the Jewish Talmud, where the Rabbis recorded that Jesus was the son of Joseph Panthera (Yeshu’a ben Panthera). Panthera served in the Roman Army as an Archer. After his retirement, he moved to Germany. Here he died and his gravestone carried an in_script_ion referring to his service in the Roman Legions in Judea.

The Talmud writers mentioned Jesus’ name twenty times and quite specifically documented that he was born an illegitimate son of a Roman soldier called Panthera, nicknamed the “Panther”. Panthera’s existence was confirmed by the discovery of a mysterious tombstone at Bingerbrück in Germany. The engraving etched in the headstone read:

Tiberius Julius Abdes Panthera, an archer, native of Sidon, Phoenicia, who in 9AD was transferred to service in Rhineland (Germany)

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