the ignotist and Occam arguments

:wink: With the ignotist argument we declare that the term God is merely the unimformative tautology that God wills what He wills and “hides our ignorance behind a theological fig leaf…Occult power wileded by a transcendent being in an inscrutable way for unfathomable reasons seems to be no sort of a real explanation:” states atheologian Keith Parsons. But allowing for meaning to the term, we use the Occam argument that his razor shows no need to posit God behind any natural process . Thus miracles are natural- remssions,for instance. Either argument shows no need to invoke God as an explanation. :smiley:

Or, more succinctly in the (approximate) words of Wittgenstein, “A nothing serves as well as a something about which nothing can be said.”


Exactly. Some anaturalists just cannot fathom that we naturalists have no need of God and say that we beg the question in so doing when it is they who constantly beg the question it so seems.

:slight_smile: Theology is one guess after another to make palatable the non-explanation that is God. Christology tries to make palatable making a god out of a quack.Soteriology tries to make palatable ritual cannabalism,human sacrifice and the divine protection rackett. Theodicy tries to make palatable God being a naughty parent for putting us in an unsafe as opposed to a safe place as a good parent would have done.Thanks for the reply! Might you respond to my other threads,please!

Okey-dokey, but may I suggest that you bring to your writing style a little more clarity in the form of consequent argument? Because – no offence intended – it sometimes reads like stream-of-Hunter S. Thompson-on-a-bad-acid-trip-consciousness. Somebody else in this forum seems to think that that makes you a woo-woo nut, though I would disagree on the present evidence.


:wink: Maybe my cortical defects are in play. Some fathom me and answer yea or nay at other forums. Anyway, we ignostics find that God did it is a pseudo- explanation. God did it is a pseudo-explanation. And the Occam shows no need to postulate God as a real cause behind selection.Causalism -natural processes- requires no extra assumptions in explaining matters while God depends on a series of mysterious guesses for support!