I came across this review http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/The-Nativity-New-Book-Seeks/story.aspx?guid={36F4D27E-E5E9-4FB8-AA4B-0E1E9C1242E0} of a book by Kurt B. Bakley that “is going to give the exact day and year of Jesus’s birth” and “new astronomy computer programs show what the star of Bethlehem was”.
What did he discovered that no one else did in 2000 years? But what caught my attention was the astronomy software and the star of Bethlehem. In no other culture is something like this (the star) mentioned for that period. If there was something there, it must have been low (to point the way). A supernova would have been visable over a large part of the Earth and a planetary conjunction is two or more “stars” together and also seen from most parts of the Earth.
The software may be better but the info in it? It can work out where the planets were, but so can “old astronomy software” The same for the stars. Unless there is new info this claim belongs to the same category as the star of Bethlehem - just a piece of fiction.
It says in the article that he based his research on the
"Bible, astronomy, astrology -- including Chinese astrology, numerology, archeology, history and ancient gentile buildings and knowledge, all of which point to the "exact day and year [of Christ's birth],"???
I wonder if he’s talking about the Freemasons when he says he researched “ancient gentile buildings and knowledge”; or maybe it’s those evil Templars again?
I also wonder which book in the new testament he used as his source for Jesus’ birth seeing as they disagree on exactly when Jesus was supposed to have been born. That’s if the biblical Jesus existed at all.
As for the star; dates for the birth of Jesus vary from 7BC to 2BC, so that gives him quite a few years to pinpoint an unusual stellar event - providing he can find one (or make up one) - and say that it was “The Star”. :
I noticed that he’s busy beavering away on his next book, “The antichrist: Who is he and what are his words of deception,” - who wants to take a bet that he’s going to name Barak Obama as the antichrist? ;D
From the above UFO site. “The solution lies in the Holy Bible, which to this day remains a factual, historic document.” Now we can have a debate on that one! As for the Antichrist, I am sure it is Obama, his mother was an atheist!