“After food activist and author Raj Patel appeared on The Colbert Report to promote his latest book, things seemed to be going well, until he began to get inundated with emails asking if he was ‘the world teacher.’ In events ripped straight from The Life of Brian, it would seem that Raj Patel’s life story ticks all the boxes necessary to fulfill prophecies made by Benjamin Creme, founder of religious sect Share International. After the volume of emails and inquiries got worse, Patel eventually wrote a message on his website stating categorically that he was not the Messiah. Sure enough, ‘his denial merely fanned the flames for some believers. In a twist ripped straight from the script of the comedy classic, they said that this disavowal, too, had been prophesied.’”
Maybe if they found his shoe they would think it was a holy relic. Isn’t it incredible how people can be so friggen gullible? Life of Brian is a great analogy - so lets just look on the bright side of life (hehe). Nice post BMonster ;D
I particularly liked the ending of Life of Brian (SPOILER ALERT!)…
Where the “believers” thank their unwilling saviour for his great sacrifice, and how they’ll make sure everyone is going to hear about it. Meanwhile all Brian wants them to do is save him. Indeed, in the end, nobody gets to hear the true story…