the woowoo invasion continues unabated....

this tannie recons you have angels looking over your shoulder, but there is allso unicorns cruising in your garden, and has her own 2012 story (seems this is the thing to latch onto these days).
she has a novel take on flipper

The people of Golden Atlantis recognised that dolphins are the keepers of cosmic knowledge, for the information is recorded in their brain like a computer.

she reocns that atlantis was for real, and they chatted with the dolphins and kept them around for football friday.

the silliness has no end.
of course she offers a correspondance course which is set you back a handsome £230.
but then you came become a Diana Cooper School of Angels and Ascension teacher. dude.

she has loads of books, cd’s and crap to make money off your stupid ass.

this lady is cashing in big-time.

gareth cliff interviewed her this morning, and the boor bugger had all his days trying to keep a straight face, and when she left, he was about in hysterics.

she will be gracing our gullible masses the may, with workshops and general money making shinnanigans.

Lovely… :-\

Imagine having an angel checking you out in the loo…

i had serious rush of conscience when my dad died, imagining him checking me out doing the funky chicken dance, or taking a dump.
then i got over it.

New Age fruitcakes are the crusaders of postmodern times. Their weaponry consists of self-apportioned mystical magic wrapped in feel-good rhetoric. Like their precursors, their intentions are without malice but not necessarily harmless for it.


wow, i had a lot more four-letter words in mind, but well put.

Thanks. :slight_smile: The trouble with four-letter words is that New Age fruitcakes invariably construe the use of them by their detractors as proof that their own position is vastly superior. All they’ll get you is an aloofly unctuous smile of vacantly serene tolerance, much like that of a mother on valium dealing with a petulant child.


hang on while i get my dictionary…

I think she’s on something stronger than valium…

the woowoo is strong with this one…

Well said. But, I am not so sure the intentions of these monstrously puffy morons are without malice. In my opinion they are nothing, and I mean NOTHING more than scummy CONMEN! They see a sucker coming and cannot wait to con them out of their money, whether they can afford it or not. There is no innocence in what they do. As enough time passes, they too start to believe their own BS, but somewhere inside, they must know that they are preying on the inherent goodness of people in order to leach funds from them.

Their only principal is that “There is one born every minute”

These F-Tards should be arrested, thrown in jail and brutaly sodomised by Bubba the 250kg serial rapist for what they do. They are vile!


Do I sense a business opportunity a’callin’? After all, the Age of Aquarius is dawning, and there are dollars to be made. :wink:

Seriously though, I don’t see why one bothers with drivel such as mentioned in the OP. 99.999% of everything said and written is trash, and most of that is so obviously so that I cannot believe it is taken seriously by anyone.

I heard this women on 5fm.

I tried so hard to phone in. But alas I could not get through.

She was going on that she had seen faries and unicorns. And table mountain had a great source of spiritual energy which all South Africans will be able to access in 2020 or something like that.

I just wanted to ask her what proof and evidence did she have to all of this.

you must give them 10/10 for imagination! I heard one on the radio a while back telling (and selling many books) what it means if a particular bird flies into your home…so I dutifully watched a Blackeyed Bulbul as well as a Common Chat come into my home quite regularly…and lo and behold fuckall happened that hasn’t happened before except they shat on the furniture…Now i own about 10000 ducks ( What would that predict? I leave it to your imagination! ;D

My frustration is: what can we do about it? And I don’t mean this in a negative sense - I really want to do something about all these woo-woo nuts (Christians included). I am already active in the field of evangelical atheism and I sometimes feel the way buka001 felt trying to call but not getting a response. There must be something practical we can do.

I share your frustration Stevo…the problem with us is we’re totally outnumbered and disorganised. If you read Sun Tzu he’d recommend guerilla warfare. The woo-woo nuts basic appeal is to people’s emotions…we appeal (sometimes anyway) to the intellect…and unfortunately logic goes out of the window when people are emotional/fanatic/intolerant etc…Also atheists do not have those very powerful tools of fear and reward the woo-woos so cunningly deploy, but as Sun Tzu says you must think like your enemy and be inside his mind to defeat him. I don’t know if my book will succeed, but my strategy was/is to tell a story and using the legends of the Bible as metaphor to illustrate how religions came about based on lies, fable,stories and more frighteningly manipulation of the minds of people who don’t think…so let’s carry on with our approach and get those books ON THE SHELVES!!!

That unicorn’s wings are attached to its neck, which is quite far from its centre of gravity. I would like to see how it flies. And the angel is wearing a T-shirt. How do angels get their shirts on and off? Perhaps I should get that book - I would like to know more about the taxonomy of angels. They don’t seem to have nipples, so they are probably not mammals. They also have six limbs, which is unusual for mammals (Batman excluded). I suspect that they are insects. It would also be interesting to learn more about their habitat and foraging habits. And how do they reproduce? Surely they don’t do that filthy thing…

…and Hermes what about those wings from your helmet…they must flap like hell to lift you (if the helmet stays on!! >:D) and why from the ankles??? ;D

Ah, but with two sets of wings the positioning is much more flexible. The cap does pull quite a bit when I take off in a hurry. :wink:

Unicorns with wings are lame. They had much better woo when I was a kid…

A Nice quote in the introduction from “The Antichrist” by Nietsche: "The conditions under which any one understands me, and necessarily understands me–I know them only too well. Even to endure my seriousness, my passion, he must carry intellectual integrity to the verge of hardness. He must be accustomed to living on mountain tops–and to looking upon the wretched gabble of politics and nationalism as beneath him. He must have become indifferent; he must never ask of the truth whether it brings profit to him or a fatality to him… He must have an inclination, born of strength, for questions that no one has the courage for; the courage for the forbidden; predestination for the labyrinth. The experience of seven solitudes. New ears for new music. New eyes for what is most distant. A new conscience for truths that have hitherto remained unheard. And the will to economize in the grand manner–to hold together his strength, his enthusiasm…Reverence for self; love of self; absolute freedom of self…"