Welcome and thank you for joining. I know that things will seem kind of dead in the beginning, but that will change if you start posting
Please don’t hesitate to suggest new ideas.
Thanks for the invite!
Nice to have a local board up. I can’t promise I’ll post that much at the moment, as my work tends to take up a helluva lot of time, but I’ll keep an eye out and also spread the word.
Hi All,
Yes, it is good to have a local board at last - thanks, bluegray V.
Without much fear of contradiction, I think it is safe to say that the most pressing South African issue for sceptics to face and oppose is our country’s unique approach to healthcare, as typified by our Minister of Health and State President’s stance on the whole AIDS/HIV question. The wider context of the health issue includes the wild claims of sangomas, witchdoctors, etc., and the rampant superstitions they engender and promote. Some time ago I composed a lengthy article on general CAM in response to a family member mouthing off against conventional medicine. I’ll post it here on the forum shortly (I hope it’s not too big).
Other issues of marginally lesser local import are the science-woos who periodically emerge from wherever they do. Recent examples include that oke from Potch with his non-Newtonian motor, and Danie Krugel, locator extraordinaire, with his magic box that locates a person using a hair sample, as featured on e-TV’s “3rd Degree” a few weeks ago. I wrote them an e-mail, suggesting Krugel try for the JREF prize, but haven’t received any response yet (and likely never will).
Its good to see people from around the world making an effort, and thats why you have my support
What are the specifications applicable to avatar images (file format, dimensions, maximum file size, etc.)?
Is it possible to upload images from one’s local machine for inclusion in messages or as avatars? If so, how is this done?
Thanks in advance.
I’ll enable uploadable avatars, but I might have to disable it again if it takes too much bandwidth. You can also link to external images on other sites. Just go to your profile and then to the ‘Forum Profile Information’ under ‘Modify Profile’.
The max size is 96x96px atm (no filesize or format restrictions). But it can be changed if necessary.
Also think it’s great to have a “local” board…
Let’s try and stick to info, discussion and oppinions and try not to change it into another battleground… :o
I agree 100%
Will try my best.
Hi! Great idea for a board.
Suggestions … how about 100x100 limit on the avatars? That seems to be common elsewhere and might make other avatars more easily usable?
Is there a “new users introduce yourselves” thread? If not, hi (again)! I’m Joe.
Hi, and welcome (again)
I thought 96x96 is pretty standard, but I guess 4 pixels is not too much to ask for ;D
4? ;D
Work hectic now, but will post as soon as things clear up…
Welcome, no pressure
Ek soek nou al dae lank na 'n lys wat my sal help met die voorbereiding van wat op ons wag. Jammer as julle dink ek is dalk agter die tyd of oningelig. Wel ek het nie baie tyd op die net nie (werk is te veel), maar as iemand my dalk kan help. :-[
Awesome board!! As a recently converted (well since 2002) skeptic I am excited to find this board. And with it coinciding with the rugby result this weekend it feels like christmas for this South African living in Miami. Thanks for the chance to chat with “locals”. Cheers. Bruce
This will be my first, but definately not the last! It is so brilliant to find a site like this where like minded people in South Africa can get together! Going to take a look around.
Welcome. But you will find that not everyone is as like minded as you might think
Hope you enjoy your stay!
Is there a clear, comprehensive and concise definition of skepticism on this site? If so, please direct me there. Do you draw a distinction between being skeptical of specific claims and the philosophy of skepticism?
I started a new thread here: A clear, comprehensive and concise definition of skepticism.
Hope it answers your question.
As for your second question:
Do you draw a distinction between being skeptical of specific claims and the philosophy of skepticism?Could you please expand on what you mean by 'the philosophy of skepticism'?
Greetings all. Nice site you’ve got going here. Certainly nice to put all these wacko ideas into perspective and get more unbiased opinions on whatever.
Keep it up guys!!