What crime can do...

Odd, how easy it is to simply drop off the radar. An employee of ours were robbed at gunpoint at home 10 days ago, we got the councillors out and assisted with the general messy aftermath. This morning, this poor woman was hijacked, and she managed to get her little kid out in time (lad got a nasty laceration on the head as she was yanking him out of the car while they were pulling away). Our last communication with her was early this morning, and her last words before hanging up a stranger’s cellphone (who was aiding her at the time), was that she had had enough and that she is leaving with her child. She left the boy at the hospital, and dissapeared.

Poof, gone.

Her husband was notified by US that she was hijacked, her parents have heard nothing. She’s just taken to the road. She’s had enough, and that can mean anything.

Its horrible, we’re all worried and frantic, the cops are sympathetic but not all that interested. We’ve now asked one of our own (fraud) investigators (ex cop), to go try establish a route she might have taken on foot.

The irony (or not) is that the husband is a pastor, and they feed the poor from home as a soupkitchen, go figure such a thing would happen to them.

Ag, its just not nice.

i never hear of assholes getting their come-uppens. its allways the nice people to get the short end of the stick.

What a sad story! But if the lady bolted without the kiddo, she is clearly in some sort of mental distress. She’ll probably call as soon as the shock wares off. Hopefully. Poor lady. Poor kid. Damn criminals!

You gotta be seriously out of it to leave your kid behind in the hospital. Also slightly weird that she calls her work before she calls her husband? Shit, hope she turns up and that she’s OK.

Also sometimes interesting to note that horrible things never happen in isolation. I have never been seriously affected by crime (a guy tried to mug me once, but I broke his nose and he ran away) But my sister was the victim of smash-and-grab, twice in 3 weeks at 2 different intersections (she got a bit paranoid after the first incident and changed her route. shame. what are the chances… ?!?)

Some assholes broke into the home of a colleague of mine last week. Today, my woo-woo boss called her in, prayed with her for half-an hour and arranged that his prayer group go to her house over the weekend so they can “shield” her home and her family from the devils who are obviously targeting them. He actually said they were going to ask that god post angels on the perimeter of her property! WTF?!

This colleague of mine is not a complete woo-woo. She goes to the NG Kerk with her husband, but chooses not to think too much about religion. She also HATES making waves. How on earth is she going to convince my weirdo boss to keep his prayers to himself and not disrupt her weekend? And what possible advice could I give her?

Crime sucks. Criminals are a breed who should just go extinct.

if i was here, i would just say, that, thanx, but her family needs some time to bond, and will, in fact, not be home over the weekend, as they need to pull themselves towards themselves, and will be having a quiet weekend by the dam or something, and her husband did this as a surprise for her, and she only found out about it now.

Shitty situation :-/
Well if it was me, I would have told them that my own churche’s people are coming over for a prayer, but thanx for the offer! (hopefully they are in different churches lol)

Tell them they’re welcome to come over as you have decided to offer your eldest kid to god as an appeasement and you need some help with stacking the fire and carving the lad. This will have two advantages. Firstly they wont show up. Secondly the cops will show up, thus adding to your home’s security while they question you and examine the kid for intactness.

whaaaaa ka ka ka THH. ;D

Thanks guys. good advice all around. Much appreciated (except THH’s suggestion, which I appreciate for the comic value ;D)

My workplace is beginning to seriously freak me out… Today I heard that the big-boss is planning that we all fast for a couple of days, because apparently god told him that thats the way to deal with the crime situation in our country. Apparently, if my boss can get this whole company to not eat, god will smite down all the lowly criminals and keep the rest of us safe. WTF?! I like food. There’s no way in heaven, hell, earth or Mars he can get me to do that!! Maybe I should be looking for another job…

Holy shit Lilli, your boss is a Fundie? Dude - that is terrible. You can object to the fast on religious grounds, surely! On the religious grounds that you don’t have any. There is absolutely no way he can force his religious views onto his company (or division or whatever) because that will be unconstitutional.

By the way Faerie, has your colleague been located yet?

Quite right, I could refuse, and intend to. I can attend his prayer meetings that he forces us all to go to by calling them “office meetings” and just sing a song in my head, but you gotta draw the line somewhere, and a guy messing with my diet is that place methinks. Problem is - I got this job when the company i used to work for merged with the company I currently work for. So I never went for an interview or whatever, the new place saw my work from the previous place, offered me a HUGE increase and invited me to join. The first day in the new office it was explained to me that this place is not just a business, it is a ‘kingdom’ - a place where we can combine our work, family and church (bleh) with the ultimate goal of taking over the world for the lord or some shit like that. If I skip out on the religious nutty bits, he can’t fire me or anything (legally speaking) but its not gonna be fun coming in to work every day with the accusing stares and whispers…

anyways, good question: Faerie? What happened? Has the woman turned up again? And where is the kid at this point?

We found her, and she’s currently in care, she’s not in good shape at all. The lad is with his Dad, and they moved out of their house and now staying with the grandfolks.

She wandered off and was apparantly trying to figure out a way to commit suicide, fortunately I think she wasnt all that serious about it in the sense that she has’nt been contemplating it for a period, she was picked up in some dodgy area by a well-meaning (and lost) businessman who stopped to enquire why a white, well dressed woman was wandering around on her own.

The outcome is positive, although I think her troubles are only starting now.

Well respect to you for sticking it out. It’s your living. I personally think it’s illegal for him to be doing that, but you cannot object. Funny how Christians can get away with this kind of thing but let a Pagan try it? Or a Muslim? Or what about having “Freethought of the day” (e.g. quote: “I didn’t lose my faith - I gave it up purposely” Dan Barker) for rational people? We’d be shot down immediately. Sometimes the smug self-righteousness of these idiots makes me want to throw up.

Ah Faerie - this is sooo tragic that these gentle-folks’ lives have been so shattered by crime. And you know what gets my goat even more? Is that the perpetrators of these terrible things are sitting laughing somewhere at the impunity of our police and are still doing their shit and benefiting from it. Criminal rights my ass! They should all be lined up and shot.