Why Film Piracy Is Good For South Africa


I haven’t read the article in question. But I personally feel pirating is wrong. But before we even entered that debate I would say to call someone that copies/clones something a pirate is also wrong.

The fictional question I always ask myself is would it be wrong if I have a cloning device and clone myself a new Car or Computer. Because the original object would still be owned by the owner I will only have a copy/clone.

And if you have a answer to the above question you will have a answer to if it is wrong to copy/clone media.I personally do not copy media because I want to support the people that brought me this media I can listen to, watch or use.


The title of the blog post is maybe a bit misleading. It has little to do with piracy. It’s more a discussion of the film industry in South Africa, which is dominated by Nu Metro and Ster Kinekor.

Two points:

  • There’s a difference between something being legal and something being morally right. I can do something that is legal and morally wrong, or something illegal that is morally right. This is what the article alludes to.

If you buy a cd or dvd to support the people that made it, how much actually goes to the people most responsible for that song or movie, and how much goes into someone else’s pocket?

Besides that, it’s always fun to read a justified and reasonably well-written rant, even one that is a little over-long and a little repetitious.

Yes, indeed. I’ve always entertained the notion that that DVD lead-in piece – you know, the one that goes “Piracy is Theft” and which one cannot usually skip over – is a little disingenuous: exactly who is being robbed, and by whom?


Hiya chaps… sometimes piracy is not all the bad. I wrote about looking at it from a different perspective a while back: http://www.pickledbushman.com/index.php/2007/05/16/why_piracy_is_both_good_for_south_africa :smiley:

Copyright is in general a rather dubious thing to begin with. So are all other forms of 'intellectual property." Here is a good article explaining some of the issues:


So I recommend that everyone pirate whatever the hell they want without feeling guilty about it. Just make sure you don’t get caught.