Zuma's glory

Very well summarised, stOnes. 8)


In the meantime, the internet humourists have been busy…

Only if we rename Mr. Rhino to Comrade Rhino.

My favourite one so far…

Hehe, these anonymous web humourists are funnier than Murray himself… :slight_smile:

Latest twist in the saga: after a mass rally to the gallery by ANC supporters, the gallery has apparently now been intimidated into removing the painting from its website. Well, good thing then that I made a copy before they removed it. I will now proceed to spread that copy all over the web, as far as I can, and I would urge everyone here to do the same. Let’s see of the petty fools can shut down the whole internet.

With over 60,000 hits already, they’ve got a, uhm, stiff task ahead of them…

What’s interesting is that a prior painting by a black artist, perhaps more provocative, didn’t raise anywhere near the stink that Murray’s did. Is it too much to think that the ANC’s brain trust carefully orchestrated the furore in preparation of Zuma’s bid for a second presidency term?


Two of the Voyager spacecraft famously carry with them into the depths of the Milky Way golden disks on which a collection of man’s greatest achievements were recorded. The hope is that it may be found by some civilization in possession of a turntable. What a pity that The Spear missed this boat by a mere three decades. It could have shared a few grooves between Jimmy Carter and Chuck Berry.

Still, I wonder if the SKA will have broadcasting capabilities…? >:D


No it’s just a receiver. It’s interesting to note that our TV broadcast and other radio signals are probably detectable as far away now as 60 light years. I know there was a purposeful transmission made the other day to a star group but that was more a stunt than a real attempt. Interesting to note if there is intelligent life around 50 light years away and they picked up our radio source and decided to send us a hello, we would only get that around 2040 - 2060, at my guess.

Also check out SETI who is dedicated to searching for Alien signals.

Yup, that is my suspicion too. Huge numbers of ANC supporters are probably naive enough to believe in the “victory” the party was crowing about after the march to the gallery. The leadership surely knows better, so what was the point then? One perfectly legitimate guess is that they were out fishing for sympathy votes for the Dear Leader.

You want first contact to be with Zuma’s dangly bits??? Mind you, it will probably terrify any intelligent life out there to stay the hell away from the blue planet.

Well, since we’re on “5 minutes to midnight” on the doomsday clock… mostly due to everyone subtly aiming nukes at each other whilst smiling politely, I think there may be a reason all we’re hearing from outer space is deathly quiet.

Well, it’s better than Hitler, anyway. But the aliens will indeed stay away, fearing their spaceship might get hijacked, or their entire planet nationalized and given to untrained “emerging” farmers. :slight_smile:

President Jacob Zuma will receive an honorary doctorate of leadership from Limkokwing University during an official visit to Malaysia on Monday and Tuesday.
Is the Limkokwing idea of leadership not so good? He certainly knows how to get people to follow him but is he a "good" leader? I think a good leader is someone who can inspire, not just his followers, but most of the community / movement / nation, to grow or become stronger. Madiba was such a person. Zuma I think fall far short. I know it is only an honorary doctorate, but I think it is a bit of an insult.

It’s a travesty akin to sending Malema to Stockholm to collect a Nobel Prize in Peacekeeping. We had a good chuckle about it last night when we saw the banner headline float across the news screen. Other than deliberate ignorance and the possibility that over the longer term Malaysia hopes to expand its trade interests in southern Africa, I can think of no other reasons why they would play out such an obvious absurdity. Zuma is easy to butter up but a leader he is not, despite holding the reigns of power.


The new Zuma painting. Is it going too far? We all know he is doing it but maybe a bit too graphic? What do you think?

BWHAHAHAHAHA! GRIEF but I find that funny! Art!!!

That one should definitely be spread far and wide… :smiley:

Ahhh, the taste of success.