A good quote.....

Dark. Very dark. :wink:


RE: THIS Talk:Funny theist quotes - FreeThoughtPedia

Weeeelll, blow me down…

Call me insulated, I guess I just got my atheism the natural way, but I have never encountered such ??? cr%p.

Some if it is LOL, though!

Hi everyone, haven’t been here in a while. Hope you are all well?

Just read this on Paul Sim’s blog and thought it was pretty good. The Catholic church has taken a stance on Reiki. The title of the post was “Pot, kettle?”, read on and you will see why.

To a sceptic, the question of whose side to take may well prove to be an insurmountable ethical dilemma…

Then again, religions have always been very adept at exploiting just such conundrums, so the choice of whom to reject more energetically is marginally clearer.


The Conference of Catholic Bishops has warned that reiki, an alternative therapy involving the channelling of "energy" from the therapist to the patient, "lacks scientific credibility" and also risks exposing people to "malevolent forces", a notion which is of course hugely credible and strongly supported by scientists, particularly those working in Malevolent Forces and Evil Spirits research departments around the world.
Does anyone know where I could read more about the research into "Malevolent Forces and Evil Spirits"? I am interested to read about some that does not also "[lack] scientific credibility".

Not sure where to put this one so here it is -


"Damned if you do"I watched the episode of House the other night called . House was having a chat with one of the nuns who was explaining a colleagues behaviour.


Paddy was driving down the street in a sweat because he had an important meeting and couldn’t find a parking place. Looking up to heaven he said, “Lord take pity on me. If you find me a parking place I will go to Mass every Sunday for the rest of me life and give up me Irish Whiskey!”

Miraculously, a parking place appeared.

Paddy looked up again and said, “Never mind, I found one.”


I got this on e-mail yesterday - I thought it was very funny!


  1. Sy het nie saamtrekkings of koors nie, maar haar man sê sy was gisteraand baie warm in die bed.

  2. Pasiënt het borspyn as sy vir langer as 'n jaar op haar linkersy lê.

  3. Op die tweede dag was die knie beter, op die derde dag het dit verdwyn.

  4. Die pasiënt is hartseer en huil aanhoudend. Dit lyk of sy ook depressief is.

  5. Die pasiënt is depressief sedert sy my in 1993 begin sien het.

  6. Ontslagstatus: Lewendig maar sonder my toestemming.

  7. Die pasiënt het 'n outopsie geweier.

  8. Die pasiënt het geen geskiedenis van selfmoord nie.

  9. Die pasiënt het sy wit bloedselle by 'n ander hospitaal gelos.

  10. Hy het oor die laaste drie dae net 40 kg opgetel.

  11. Sy is verlam van haar tone af ondertoe!!!

  12. Die vel was droog en klam.

  13. Die pasiënt het wafels vir ontbyt en 'n anoreksia vir middagete gehad.

  14. Hy lyk gesond vir 69. Verstandelik skerp maar vergeetagtig.

  15. Het by tye konstante ongereelde hoofpyn.

  16. Rektale inspeksie het normale grootte skildklier getoon.

  17. Sy was vir die grootste deel van haar lewe hardlywig totdat sy geskei is.

  18. Albei borste is eenders en reageer op lig en akkommodasie.

  19. Die vel is ietwat bleek maar teenwoordig.

  20. Pasiënt het twee tienerkinders maar geen ander abnormaliteite nie.

I work mainly at schools, and came across a class room full of Bible quotes, but one was more prominent and not a Bible verse. It said “Only dead fish goes with the flow”. Now I find this ironic inside this class room. The message was clear - no room for non believers. (Government school gr. 5)

What luck for rulers that men do not think. Adolf Hitler.

I do not know if this said by Hitler or not, but if it was, what a bummer.

A whole lot of quotes in this cool video - Symphony of Science - “We are all connected” featuring people you should know…

Do y'all have different books of the Bible than I do? Are y'all Gideons? Who are the ******' Gideons? Ever met one? NO! Ever seen one? NO! But they're all over the ******' world puttin' Bibles in hotel rooms. Every hotel room- "This Bible was placed here by a Gideon" When?! I been here all day. I ain't seen ****! I saw the housekeeper come and go. I saw the minibar guy come and go. I never laid eyes on a ******' Gideon. What are they- ninjas? Where are they? Where're they from? Gidea? What the **** are these people?

I’m gonna capture a Gideon. I’m gonna make that my hobby. I’m gonna call the front desk one day. “Yeah. I don’t seem to have a Bible in my room.”
Bill Hicks

Hi everyone. I’d like to add my own quotes. I find my fave quotes changing from time to time. But I am into these quotes now.
Love quotes

Love is more than just a feeling: it's a process requiring continual attention. Loving well takes laughter loyalty and wanting more to be able to say 'I understand' than to hear 'You're right.' - Molleen Matsumura
I truly feel that there are as many ways of loving as there are people in the world and as there are days in the life of those people. - Mary S. Calderone

Funny quotes

You know me Esme. I couldn't subtract a fart from a plate of beans. - Terry Pratchett
Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They should both be changed regularly and for the same reason. - Anonymous
You can try find more at [url=http://www.quotepotato.com]QuotePotato[/url]

Love quote:

Never, never marry, my dear fellow! That's my advice: never marry till you can say to yourself that you have done all you are capable of, and until you have ceased to love the woman of your choice and have seen her plainly as she is, or else you will make a cruel and irrevocable mistake. Marry when you are old and good for nothing--or all that is good and noble in you will be lost. It will all be wasted on trifles. Yes! Yes! Yes! Don't look at me with such surprise. If you marry expecting anything from yourself in the future, you will feel at every step that for you all is ended, all is closed except the drawing room, where you will be ranged side by side with a court lackey and an idiot!... But what's the good?... Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace

I’ve got a million good quotes, some of which are pertinent to sceptisism. There are too many to post here, but I’ve put up a selection here.

“Most inventions was done by lazy men. Wife told him to wash the dishes - Dishwasher. Wife told him to fetch the eggs - Car. Wife told him to carry her to other side - Bridge. Wife told him to kill the neighbor - Gun.” Unknown

Here’s a neat anthology, too. I’m especially tickled by

Theology: The study of elaborate verbal disguises for non-ideas.
Theology is the proverbial mother of all pseudoscience.
