Deserving a facepalm

OK, this is what happened: ‘would have’ was contracted to ‘would’ve’ which sounds a bit like ‘would of.’ It’s a spelling mistake rather than a grammatical one.

The one that gets me most is the insertion of apostrophes in plurals. The rule for plurals in English is one of the simplest in the language: append an ‘s’ to the end of the word (OK, there are exceptions, but they are few), and yet I see ‘taxi’s’, ‘video’s’ ‘camera’s’, even bloody ‘dog’s.’ Taxis, videos, cameras and dogs, FFS!

In English the abbreviation Ms. is used. The idea is to get away from indicating the female’s marital status.

It is sometimes called the grocer’s apostrophe for obvious reasons.

In English the abbreviation Ms. is used. The idea is to get away from indicating the female's marital status.

From what I hear, in Germany they used to have fraulein and frau, but now just use frau. We might have gone the same way in other languages, instead of inventing hideous constructions.

It is sometimes called the grocer's apostrophe for obvious reasons.

I’m a bit slow; it is not obvious to me at all.

Special’s today:


Oh? Is that standard practice with grocers? I never noticed. I get my veggies at the supermarket. :slight_smile:

I don’t know if it’s really common practice, but it is common legend.

As I read that I heard Gollum in my head.

Keep in mind that there’s a small chance your typos today might make someone else rich tomorrow…


Lovely. It makes my job obsolete. I can retire in peace now.


“Oh, all I needed to do was be happy? smacks forehead Man I should’ve thought about just being happy sooner, that would’ve saved me a lot of heart-ache! I’ll start being happy instantly… and subsequently be in perfect health forever.”

Yeah, and the latest crap being fed to people is “how to connect with your emotions” I’ve just finished (gods help me but I did) an 8 month certification in helping people to “work” with their feelings. Think: “How does happy make you feel?” - “uh… Happy???”, and you counter “but why?” hey???

Anyway, I’m certified and “Happy” that this particular sticky shit is now a part of my CV if nothing else…

I was once shot a “But you could say atheism is a religion” by a psychiatrist. The look of bewildered disbelief (pun intended) I shot them made them shut up and instead choose a different route of enquiry. I’m pretty sure they understood what was about to come their way… But WOW! I thought psychiatrists (not psychologists) were trained on how to deal nicely with people of different belief systems… I was wrong.

So you admit atheism is a belief system then? {runs and hides} :smiley:

Sure I have philosophical, political, and ideological beliefs… just don’t call them a religion.

Very wrong. I have met some VERY, VERY wonky, airy fairy, fluffy and plain stupid people in both professions. Which is why I work in the corporate world where I mainly deal with psychopaths. They are easy to understand at least.

Keep in mind that most psyco-pick-your-flavour specialists chose their career path not because they are good with people but because they havent a fucking clue who they are and hoped by studying humanities they could figure it out.

Get your palms and faces ready…

Here goes:

salf net die huis solat die gees kan aanbeweeg…

verstommend wat volwassenes kan glo :o

Sometimes you may just have an abusive partner.