Deserving a facepalm

It broke off the ice-shelf, so was floating already.

Is the ocean half full, of half empty?

A UK scratch-card game was recalled because brits couldn’t compare negative numbers.

Edit: Similarly, Americans once got confused by a 1/3 lb burger insisting it was less meat than 1/4 lb.

Take a deep breath: and SIIIGHHHHH.

Perhaps they need a department of thoughts and prayers, so it can be done professionally. They’re quite capable of it too. I’m reading Jon Ronson’s “The Mean Who Stare at Goats,” in which he reports on some of the U.S. military’s more eccentric projects, including psychic warfare. He also notes that apparently, during the Bush era, the military was absolutely flooded with public money, with almost no oversight, and the craziest of schemes were funded.

Wouldn’t surprise me if there is actually already a clandestine department of thoughts and prayers…

That book is a good read, but the movie should be avoided. The idiot producers/directors turned the story into a not-very-comical farce that has the dire, probably unintended, effect of giving the viewer the impression that it’s all fiction.


I’ve read lots of (prob. completely unsubstantiated) reports, that frankly wouldn’t surprise me, indicating that during the cold war they did have some “remote viewing” scheme going.

Thanks! This had me in stitches >:D :smiley: ;D

No doubt he is doing an M degree in cherry picking.

Steve Harvey is an idiot (video).

Take note of what science says:

Then there is the equally crucial element of pooping. Yet Jesus never declared,

  1. I am the supreme shit.

Yeah, but: “He who poops in My name shall be more blessed than he who does not.”

-Defecations 4:11

Could be. Will have to read all about it in Numbers 2 again.

This was posted on my local newspapar’s site!

Anybody else have forehead injuries after the UCT POC-only dinner debacle?

No better way to beat apartheid than to actually self-implement apartheid.

Organizing a dinner for PWC (people without color) only would probably be illegal. But let’s not complain. This is after all about decolonization. :slight_smile:

Lately, I sometimes get the feeling that the only thing that will ever truly satisfy POC activists is if every white person turns a dark shade of red-brown—from perpetual deep shame and embarrassment about having been born white.


Could be worse, they could be a Christian.