Deserving a facepalm

Even worse, they could also be an English teacher… >:D


I’m not saying the news is sensationalist, but…

That’s some pistol.


Or a tiny caliber.

Reminds me of this apocryphal story I heard in the army (but it sure rings true). It works best when you imagine the corporal speaking wiff a heavy Afrikaans eksint:

The new recruits are learning navigation skills. “Right,” says the corporal. “You have a circle!” And he draws a little circle on the board. “180 degrees in a circle!” And he starts talking about angles and compasses and things. After a while one of the brighter recruits puts up a hand and asks: “But corporal, doesn’t a circle have 360 degrees?”

The corporal does a double take, looking at the circle he drew. “No!” he barks. “It’s a SMALL circle!”

Socialism is bad, because it’s against god… This went so well until the bible quotes started.

If there’s any dichotomy I hate most, it’s this one.

The phrase “trigger warning” is too triggering!

Brandeis is killing it by taking a stab at removing supposedly oppressive phrases from English. It’s a trigger warning for sane people, though. A good rule of thumb when on a picnic such as this is not to go off the reservation.


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Bunch of fucking retards if you ask me

Ew… :face_vomiting:

Could you post a screenshot? I deleted my FB account ages ago, not wanting to feed Zuckerberg’s delusions of godhood.


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It’s a video of a bunch of checkers (and others) workers kneeling in front of the store as some hymn is booming over a speaker somewhere and these guys are doing their hand-wavy singy-alongy thing in their tranced up state. Surely to protect it from looting. The comment section is a “Oh praise be Jeebus!” and “Amen!” festival.

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What a bland and unimaginative list of alternatives. Last year I used some of the spare time imposed on us to get superficially acquainted with relational databases. I recall that one of the possibilities in the sql universe, is to set up a “trigger”. A trigger tells the database to keep a look out for a particular activity in one table, and once the activity happens, the database springs into action and does something novel elsewhere.

I wonder what word the liberal arts school would have us use in this context, where a predefined action precipitates a new action.

Perhaps they could soften the term by creating a portmanteau of “novel” and “trigger”.

Indeed! The convoluted absurdities championed by the fanatical PC brigade are ridiculous—as in “worthy only of ridicule, scorn, and disparagement.” Their tenet that words—and most especially the most commonly used ones—endorse and encourage un-PC thinking is a fiction born in the fevered minds of academics in certain humanities who have run out of creditable ideas. And they probably know it, too.

As for using “trigger” in the context of database programming, they’ll no doubt put forward something bland and awkward like “Automatic Database Event Resynchronisation and Condition Updating Reflex Mechanism.” That’s if they can bring themselves to accept that the terms “Automatic” and “Mechanism” aren’t too dehumanising.

Their next targets (oops, my bad!) victims (ditto) items of focus in the realm of computing will be “mouse” for its denigrating of rodents of the species Mus musculus to mere optico-mechanical devices, wired or wireless; then “keyboard” because of its devaluation of keyed musical instruments and its obvious association with waterboarding; and “monitor” and “central processing unit” for their overtones reminiscent of Big Brother spying on people and similar initiatives whose sole aim is the control and oppression of individuality.


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Ya’ll are way too late to this party.

In the realm of computing there’s already been fiery debates on open source mailing lists, et al. about the use of “triggering” words in source code. Things like master/slave, blacklist/whitelist. I’ve even seen debates about male/female when referring to plugs and sockets. Wouldn’t want to misgender those interconnects…

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Poe’s law is alive and well, that’s for sure.

Sometimes you’re just damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.

TL;DR: While one female paralympic athlete got flack for having her shorts too short, Norway’s olympic women’s handball team was fined for not wearing ones short enough.

There must be so many pregnant men out there that now we need an emoji

I cannot conceive ( :crazy_face:) of a single instance where this new emoji might be useful. Even in the highly relevant but somewhat improbable instance in which your boyfriend falls pregnant, it would be inadvisable to scroll through some 21st century hieroglyphs in order to convey a message of this calibre of appeal. Nope, i suspect ‘pregnant man emoji’ will be the tilde of the emoticon arsenal.

WhaWhaaa?! Tilde is HOME! It’s one of the most used keys on my keyboard.