Juig! seksie [split]

Your posts get moved to flame wars because you barge in here and start calling people cunts and suggesting suicide. Rather typical of a doos like you to go and play a race-card. WTF. Seriously. Contribute to a discussion in a meaningful way of suck off into the funset will you.

It must be frustrating to the extreme for someone dumb enough to use violence to try and solve all his problems to come up against the InterWeb’s anonymity?

I wonder how many screens this poor fella has gone through?

And with the limited brain function available to him by all accounts, this cannot change. “Ek is dom maar ek werk hard” will only take you so far in the world…

i think being accused of racism is definitely a first for this forum. i wonder what my indian ex boyfriend will think of me being called a racist?
that’s ofcourse, if kosie wasnt trying to be funny.

oh…wait, was i supposed to laugh?

Kosie jou moer man! You have posted the most racist remark on this forum… so fuck off if you nothing to offer!

ek sekondeer

Brian, Brian, Brian. tsk tsk tsk. That is the stereotypical response of a closet racist

Kosie, you are the one who mentioned race. This is the internet, we have no idea what you look like, and even if we did, we don’t care. We’re not 4chan.

I’ve been reading this forum for a few years now, and you are the first person who has ever called a person racist since I started.

This forum should not be in the public domain. It is better for the 7 of you to just discuss your views via skype or something.

This forum was fine in the public domain until you came along, but you have the audacity to point fingers.

Oh dear, the great decider and omnipotent lord of all that is the internet has given the final word on what does and what doesn’t belong in the public domain. We surely are doomed.

Kosie, het dit ooit op jou gedaal dat, as jy nie hierdie website wil sien nie, jy dit net nie HOEF te besoek nie? Net omdat JY dit nie nuttig vind nie, beteken nie ONS vind dit nie nuttig nie. In kort: Die internet draai nie om jou persoonlike voorkeure nie, maak nie saak hoeveel keer jy ons beledig nie.

NOO, i just stumbled across the audacity of some members here that have the understanding and debating skills of a condom by misinterpreting a post about atheism and the reaction that came by me also discussing it showed that there is no reasoning with the ill-informed members of society

jammer ou monstertjie, jy maak net die punt sterker dat hier 'n ons en jy mentaliteit is. Van die eerste post af het julle dit tentoongestel. Ek het probeer verstaan waaroor die misverstand gaan en dit like julle click mos nou nie. Wie dare om in te kom op ons partytjie en met ons te gesels

Kosie, hoekom stel jy nie 'n stadpunt oor een van die onderwerpe onder bespreking nie, dan kan ons mos sien of jy in staat is tot logiese denke. Al wat jy tot dusver gedoen het is om modder te gooi.

mmm, ek was nog besig om inligting in te win oor julle standpunt toe word modder na my kant gegooi en het ek maar net in verbasing gekyk hoe (en reageer) oor hoe onlogies gekyk word na die saak.

My opinie:

Die skrywer van die blog het duidelik 'n hoe agting gehad vir ateiste oor die algemeen as feitelike mense. Dit is toe verydel deur die reaksie op die genoemde forum deur die ateiste wat hul tuiste daar gevind het. Die skrywer het basies opgemerk dat hy teleurgesteld is met die feit dat hy toe agterkom dat sy verdraaide idee van ateiste toe nie korrek is nie.

Met die dat daar die hewige reaksie was op die post deur middel van bespreking op hierdie forum het dit my begin pla dat ek nie vang waaroor die herrie gaan nie.

Ek glo dt die skrywer sy persoonlike belewenis gedeel het en in lig van die res van die blog is alles ligsinnig van aard. Maar ek dink die reaksie op hierdie forum het juis die punt net onderstreep dat ateiste nie noodwendig altyd feitelik is nie en ook emosioneel raak wanneer hulle “nie-geloof” aangeraak word.

Dankie, Kosie. Nou verstaan ons jou standpunt.

Kosie/Worsbeursie or whatever your name may be: Go back on all your posts and count the insults and swearwords you’ve used; your bad manners, your lack of logic in the very sparse arguments you’ve offered, your racism, hangups and homophobia; then go to whatever church or boskerk you may belong to and pray for forgiveness for here you will not get it…get it?

For a start, i am not worsbeursie. Yes I did partake in the general unruliness of the members here and reacted strongly due to the hostility i was greeted with. I do not belong to any church. I am not racist, i got nothing against coloureds! :stuck_out_tongue: just a joke!!! before you wee in your pants.

But please take this as constructive criticism, don’t place new members in the box that you would want them to be, you will limit your own opportunity to learn something, yes, we can all learn from each other.

Welkom by die forum.
Lyk my jy het bietjie met die verkeerde voet hier ingeklim. :wink:

Dalk moet almal net bietjie chill en van voor af begin…

Onthou asb die forum reëls (link is daar bo). Hier in die flame section gee ek nie om nie, maar die forum is vir konstruktiewe debat, nie 'n vloekgeveg nie, en ek wil nie al my tyd mors deur posts na die flame section te skuif nie. Ons is mos almal grootmense hier.

Onthou, soos my ouma altyd gesê het, as jy nie iets moois van iemand kan sê nie, STFU! >:D

Jou ouma was heeltemal te nice! >:D

jou ma