Questions for the Christian believer

Dear friends,

Meanwhile I have made numerous questions. These are addressed to Christian believers. The first part is for the conservative group. Part two is for the liberals. I would like them in English translation. But I do not have the expertise to do it properly. Faultless and appropriate in the context. Is there someone with an African background (Dutch-language) who is able to do this. With the use of a translator you could get an end, but then it’s a matter of editing.



It concerns the following questions. Maybe it’s an idea to do it in small parts. 5 questions and then ask for an reply. By the way I live in the Netherlands and at freethinker my job is admin.

Busy. Big list. Watch this space. So far, only question 6 is a problem (although there probably will be a few more). Could you clear up what you mean?


I’m afrikaans and willing to help, but that list is long and will need a lot of effort. I think your idea of breaking it up is a good one, even if one takes it bit by bit, it will still take a while…

Also not sure of “creëerde” and what exactly is meant by “universum”.

I’m up to question 58 at this point with just a few difficulties. I’ll post the first part (up to 115) here when done (within a day or three), together with questions about the problematic bits. In the meantime, it would be pretty pointless to replicate labour. We can always polish up the translations later on.


I used google and this is their translation.

Why an omnipotent God created with a clear idea, not directly a universe?

Its sounds weird for me. Must we use “did”. Why did an almighty God not created instantly an universe? The meaning of omnipotent is no problem for you. Powerfull is close to it.
@ everybody; take your time; it took me a few months to made these questions. And I still working on it.



I don’t understand the gist of that question… what is meant by “instantly a universe”, are you trying to ask, why did god not create the universe AS IT IS TODAY in an instant as opposed to having to wait billions of years for evolution to do the work?

To echo BoogieMonster: I’m sorry, I still don’t understand what this question 6 is actually asking. What kind of “duidelijk idee” should god have about making a universe? What do you mean with “creëerde … direct een universum”? Are you asking why it took seven (biblical) days to create everything (because one would think that an omnipotent god should be able to create everything instantly, all at once)?

As a general comment, you should also verify the bible passages you reference. For example, Q. 18 references “2 Kings 24-25” about the story of Elisha and the two bears. The proper reference should be 2 Kings 2:23-24. Similarly, Q. 38 references “2 Thessalonians verse 11”. The book 2 Thessalonians has only three chapters, and only 2 Thessalonians 2:11 seems to fit your question.


Yes, that’s my intention. You could change the question if you like.

I appreciate your comment. I used a dutch Bible. You could change the reference. I don’t mind.

I’m not sure you understand me properly. I’m saying that you need to check your biblical references because some of them appear to be incorrect and/or incomplete. This has nothing to do with the specific translation or language of the bible that is used.

You do not want to be accused of misrepresenting the bible because it is the core of Christian belief. If you get that wrong, Christians will not take you seriously, especially the more fundamental ones.


As soon as possible I check my biblical references. In the mean time you could change wrong numbers. Thanks!!

96. … Geschiedkundig is het slechts [u]een likje verf op de top van de Eiffeltoren[/u]. …
“Historically, it is just a (“likje” = what?) painting at the top of the Eiffel Tower.”

What does the underlined bit mean? Is it a Dutch metaphor?


One coat of paint, i.e. one layer amongst many?

A lick of paint? highly insignificant?

It’s a statement. Billions of years and a few thousand years ago; something happened in the middle east. Put it in a timetable and you can’t hardly find it.

Question 115: This series of questions is terribly confusing because many of the details are unclear or missing.

  • Is the “Genoeg is genoeg” part of what Jesus could have said about changing water to wine?
  • What is a “synoptikus”?
  • Who or what is a “pseudo-Aristoteles”?
  • Who is this merchant “Maccharokosiya”? My sources on Buddha do not have him or anyone who sounds like him.
  • What is a “Eulogiewonder” in the Catholic Church? In English, a “eulogy” is a tribute to a dead person.
  • Where in Psalm 77 does Jesus walk on water?

I have finished with questions 1 through 114 and will post them here with 115 shortly.


Thanks for the first part. I am quite busy at this moment. My next reply will take al while. Maybe this weekend. Than I could get an answer at your questions.

I finished 115 with to be continued. It took me a lot of reading and I still working on it. I simple forgot to make a notation were I found my information. But I should try to answer your questions. It’s hard to express in another language.

  1. Its my own invention. Jesus refuses to change water in wine. (joke) Enough is enough stop drinking. After this small thought I give examples of persons who did the same thing.

  2. It’s the single form of synoptici. The comparative writings of Math, Lucas and Marcus. You may use the names. And remove this word.

  3. An unknown student who studies at a school (peripathische) in Athens. The founder of this school was Aristoteles. Many students wrote articles in this period. But we don’t know the name. The group is called pseudo-Aristoteles.

  4. A story with pancakes. I checked my sources - Buddha und Jesus in ihren paralleltexten – Weber 1992 – p 20-21
    Indien und das Christentum – Mohr – Tubingen 1914 – p60. Maybe very unknown.

  5. Eulogeia = zegening (blessing). A writer Maury made a list of 20. I got this word from a book “called the miracles of Jesus”. Maes. I think this is a catholic expression. If this word sounds strange for the moderate writer. We could make something else. Easier. Like miracles in the catholic tradition.

  6. This refers to Jahwe (not jesus). Dutch: uw weg was in de zee (77:20)

I am still working on this part. It’s quite hard to translate. Maybe you could quit some things in the translation. I don’t mind. The original version is my problem.

I publish the translated questions here in four parts for public comment/criticism/improvement/general bashing into better shape.


