The joy of Facebook

Interesting to note that magnesium sulphate in solution converts acoustic energy into thermal energy. Perhaps I should dump a few kilograms of Epsom salts in the swimming pool mid-September, and ask one of the soprano kerktannies to sing a few hymns next to it for a week. Can take my first ghoef early October!


When even the salesman is so unsure of his product he feels the need to give you a plan B.

her email addy is “oulikboud” - do we really have to question anything here?

This is what Facebook suggest to me to follow. (wtf!!) I already got Stars Forecasting and Psychic reading suggestions but this is a new low.

Ja-nee. Trou is nie perde koop nie.

Just ask Margharet, sure she has something to say…

Kry nou ongelukkig nie meer die Facebook pos nie, (die persoon het dit seker verwyder) maar het gisteraand pret gehaad. Iemand het na 'n waterwyser gesoek, sy/hy wil 'n boorgat laat boor. Ek noem toe dat waterwys 'n scam is, 'n betrogspul. Ek verduidelik van James Rani se $1M Challenge en dat die mikstok of koper drade slegs water kan wys as dit deur 'n persoon vasgehou word. Van die antwoorde laat 'n mens maar net wonder oor hoe die mensdom is waar hy is vandag, maar een het my met 'n prokureer gedreig omdat ek sy “werk” 'n bedrogspul noem. Dalk wou die tee blare my teen 'n hofsaak waarsku maar ek drink nie tee nie, of dalk wou die sterre dit doen maar my teleskoop kan dit nie behoorlik vertaal nie. Sal maar moet wag en sien.

Ugh. A woman does it and is instantly famous and on the covers of tannie magazines. I do it all I get is a restraining order and potentially a sexual offender label.

Sou 'n ideale geleentheid wees om die ding vir eens en vir altyd te toets… :slight_smile:

Hoe maklik is dit om iemand op te spoor op FB? As ek as “Piet Pompies” aansluit en op 'n post onder daai naam antwoord? Ek kyk gereeld na ons plaaslike koerant se FB blad. Dit hou 'n mens op hoogte van water en elektrisiteit onderbrekings en so aan, maar hier is 'n knaap wat gedurig christelikke mems plaas. As ek nou onder my eie naam gaan antwoord sal dit seker my besigheid beinvloed, vandaar die Piet Pompies.

I didn’t realize there was such a thing as the Freedom From Atheism Foundation…

Tweefo: jy sal dan seker ook 'n e-posadres moet skep vir jou vals identiteit. Ek kan nou nie meer onthou watter inligting FB wil hê wanneer jy aansluit nie.

Weet nou nie wat jy beplan nie. Wil jy bloot hoflik beswaar aanteken elke keer as die ou die Christelike goed plaas, of beplan jy iets 'n bioetjoe meer ekstreem, bv. Satanistiese of FSM memes as antwoord op syne elke keer?

Nee, darm nie so drasties nie. Iets soos

Die vraag is nou of die “amen” onder my plasing 'n amen vir my is of een aan die oorspronklike post? Ek ook besluit om onder my eie naam terug te baklei.

My guess would be that that “Amen” is for the poster about Daniel in the lions’ den. In SA, the chances are upwards of 90%.

Not that it is possible to argue somebody out of their religious faith, but this Old vs. New Testament morality question always produces revealing results. When faced with the question whether believers would follow OT prescripts such as killing adulterers or stoning to death those who work on Sundays (or Saturdays, depending), the answer is usually that the NT supersedes the OT with Jesus’ new dispensation.

I’ll get back to that option in a moment, after looking at the other possible responses.

If a believer says they would follow those OT prescripts, they are intellectual dinosaurs for not recognising that morality changes over time and according to social circumstances. More than likely, they are also hypocrites for not actually following them—or liars if they claim they don’t know of anyone who has transgressed them.

On the other hand, if they say they wouldn’t follow those laws then they are violating their god’s explicit commands. In addition, they are being heretical by way of following or having developed a moral sense independently of their god.

The most common reaction is that the NT replaces the OT. So, what they’re actually saying is that their perfect, all-knowing, ever-present god got it wrong the first time and changed his/her mind so much that it required a readjustment. Some perfect god, that. But the clincher is that Scripture itself refutes this claim: Jesus himself affirmed the whole of the Old Testament.

Whichever way they try to spin it, the Bible should be an epic embarrassment for any right-thinking person, but despite all of the disparities, it’s still checkmate, atheists—just as it’s always been.


Thanks, Mefiante. Mind if I save your answer and use it when appropriate? You said it far better than I can hope to do.

Absoloodle, yes, use it as and when you see fit. It’s in any case already in the public domain.


I’ve already printed the link and gave it to my mom, who is in the dutch reformed domain.

Are you trying to give your mom a change-of-heart attack? >:D



God is winning, most nations are turning away from god, that’s how you know.