The Neverending List of Questions that needs Answering

Do airline staff deliberately lower cabin pressure before breakfast so that your tub of yogurt ejaculates over your only pair of formal trousers?


[s]'cause Jonathan Brandis died.

I’m sorry, I have a terrible sense of humour and I just couldn’t resist. >:D[/s]

Okay, durrr, I’m supposed to ask questions not answer them (RTFOP). It’s okay everyone, don’t panic, I’m a blonde.

What does RTFOP stand for?


Oh it’s … waaaaiiiit aminuuuuute … you sneaky one, you almost got me.

I worry about my nan. If she’s alone in the house and she falls, does she make a sound? - Jimmy Carr

:)Well spotted!


If a man says something, and there is no woman to hear him, is he still wrong?

Why does Gothcatgirl have a -1 woo-woo nut rating and who gave it to her? :smiley:

Wasn’t me, but I guess it’s because of her “psychic” post.

aggeneee :’(

Giehehehegiegiegie!!! :smiley:

Oi! Lovely, now I’m a woo-woo nut too… :-\


Will you be judged on your skeptical ability ratio or what you are actually saying?

Has anyone ever seen Jim Carey with ALL his facial muscles in a relaxed position?

Do we have to?

funnily enough, i had been thinking of old Jim the past two days.

and all i can say is:


Is it wise to challenge a bunch of atheists???


Figured that who-ever considers us woo-woo’s is pretty adept at smiting… and he/she might consider your post a challenge?

im not concerned about smiting. as ive been smited since i drew my first breath. so bring it.

As the suspicion of the alleged smite might fall upon me due to my opposition to certain posts from both of you impressive people, I would just like to vehemently declare that I am not the Smitee in this case. In fact, I have no idee whether I can indeed smite, or how to smite, should smiting be within my range of powers as a fresh noooob. And if I could smite, I probably wont as the smiting of a fly causes me distress.