Threatened by a Christian

Here’s an idea … we can have the Jo’burg one in Midrand next month (it’s not too far and then we can include GCG). Next Wednesday I am playing a gig at Coco Brazil in Midrand - maybe some of us reprobates can meet there i.e. Wed 12th May. I’m only playing for an hour (it’s an audition gig) and then we can talk, drink, have fun. Sound like a plan?

I will get the details and post them on your new thread - thanks Mandarb :slight_smile:

Excuse the late response to the OP.

Steve, I think you quite did the right thing by stepping away from the ugly situation. I really don’t see how letting it develop into a bar-room brawl would get you anywhere. I mean, if some huge wall of mindless moronic muscle wants to moer you, discretion is way the better part of valour. Else it’s bust teeth, bruises, stitches, damages to be paid for wrecked furniture/glasses/bottles, and possibly a charge with the police, which leads to 2 years of lost dockets, court postponements, worry, lawyers, expense, and major hassle. All for some stupid skaap whose mommy never taught him how to behave in public.

Be mad, but remember him - try to get his name, where he works, and if an opportunity arises, get even. I will admit to sticking the knife in to those who have crossed me on a number of occasions in my life - typically when the bastard is looking for employment, or for someone to invest in some scheme of his. “Oh, you interviewed old Frikkie did you? I wouldn’t touch him if I were you - can’t say too much, but there were ‘issues’ with him.”

Wot goeth around cometh around, hehe! ;D

Cool! Who is he debating? As I understand it the Kalam argument is the best of a poor bunch of arguments for the existence of the big guy in the sky. And Craig is its leading exponent, and he normally hands his atheist opponents their ass on a platter.

Well, Tuesday isn’t the official debate. He is presenting a paper on his pet subject Kalam. Some Prof from UP is giving a paper with a counter-argument. It was going to be me but internal UP politics took control of the situation and I lost the gig.

After the two “papers” are delivered the “floor” will be given a chance to ask a few questions. Prof Mabille asked me to please prepare some questions for this section of the evening - which I am doing with the help of Dan Barker. If more of us could attend it will be soooooo cool. Then we can all go and have a beer somewhere.

Julian - read the letter Dan sent me. I posted it here