
Another fact to consider is the International investments made and about to be made…

These are BIG corporations with a lot of weight globally… I don’t think they will sideline and watch their billions of dollars worth of investments just go to ruin… :-\

Lastly... I think if someone asks you a question like "Where do you stand with regards to the so called prophecies of siener van Rensburg? " - it is your right not to answer, but it is polite to answer.

It was an honest question, I’m interested to know how this person makes decisions. If someone tells you something, even something that you really truly want to believe, do you swallow it whole or do you at the very least open up Google and check some basic facts.

…and you even have to double check wikipedia, in all its infinite wisdom it might actually be WRONG. :wink:

Well, this is after all a sceptical forum - as I emphasised in my first message to you in this thread.

No. You were preaching imminent disaster for white South Africans. There’s a difference.

No. It was “torn to shreds” because, for reasons shown you, it is entirely unconvincing. You in turn somehow conceived the rebuttals as personal attacks. Is your knowledge that insecure?

If that is indeed so, why then even respond to my and others’ criticisms?

It is a mark of the conspiracy theorist to respond to reasoned criticism with an emotionally laden alert to the dire danger of not heeding his or her admonitions.

We can, of course, resume a rational discourse of the subject in question. The ball’s in your court.


I doubt that we’ll here much from her again. I hope I’m wrong though.

She did her duty as she believes she must to inform us. It was never her goal to argue the case. After all - she already accepted it on faith, so any proof is not relevant.

'Luthon, I split your post to a new topic, if you were wondering where it went, it’s here :wink:

Okey dokey, no worries. I put it in this thread because one of the bloggers uses the moniker Uhuru Guru and the idea is frequently punted that a, uhm …, whitewash is coming to SA. Paranoid content and negativity aside, the writing itself is actually quite good.


At last I got my paws on the notorious uhuru email that has been circling around, and being mentioned on radio stations.

And lookie-lookie at the bottom of the message:

> Groete uit die platteland > Tanya (aka Meisiekind2)

She’s a busy little lady, but I think she made herself a little too famous this time around.

Notorious uhuru email? Why didn’t I get one? :wink:
Can you please post it? But it’s probably along the same lines as her first post.

O, it’s too long…

It’s in the attachement.
Yes, the gist of it is the same, but this time it is happening, maybe, or not. And they want all the whities to go to Heilbron. I’ve seen Heilbron, I’ll take my chances.

From Meisiekind2:

Daar is baie onsekerheid oor Mandela se toestand. Ons het verneem dat sekere radiostasies meld dat hy reeds dood is, terwyl ander stasies se dat hy in Mozambiek vakansie hou en rus...
U wonder almal wie ons bronne is, en ek kan dit weens sekuriteitsredes nie aan u bekend maak nie. Ek kan egter se, dat ons finale bevestiging gekom het van 'n dokter wat in die mediese span was wat hom behandel het.
Kry binne die volgende 5 dae u kos, brandstof en tente gereed. Heilbron sal oop wees vir mense wat uit die stede ontruim, 4 uur nadat dit op die SAUK uitgesaai is. Ek se u vroegtydig, maar vra dat ontruiming na Heilbron eers geskied nadat dit op die nuus bekend gemaak is. Moet ook nie nou panniekerig raak nie. Wees rustig en dink nugter, mens kan dit nie doen as jy in 'n fase van paniek is nie. Daar wprd van jou niks moeilik of onwettig verwag nie. Beperk jou SLEGS tot ontruiming, en oorlewing. Daardeur stel jy nie jouself of enigiemand anders bloot nie.
Ook sal julle sien dat hierdie storie nou baie vinnig gaan begin uitlek. Daar is te veel mense by die begrafnisreelings en dies meer betrokke en hulle gaan dit nie vir weke en weke kan stilhou nie.
Dus, indien u bereid is om ons te vertrou, gaan na die Heilbron SPAR nadat sy dood op die SAUK aangekondig is.

Groete uit die platteland
Tanya (aka Meisiekind2)

Heilbron SPAR ??? Ai tog.
IOL: Mandela at the centre of email rumours

Then you can get some more ‘bully beef’ and ‘polonie’, sommer while you are there. and some coke for the ‘Brandewyn’. Groot makietie.

The best I could figure out this message surfaced around the 14th… And she says something about 5 days in the mail… The SPAR in Heilbron must be quite crowded by now.

I must say, I find these people very disturbing. Just go to any topic at the Uhuru - Boerevryheid Forum to get a sense of how they think.

That forum is very disturbing.

Some of them are quite willing to try turning this into a self fulfilling prophecy, albeit localized and small scale. Still an unpleasant thought for whoever happens to be within striking distance.

I wonder how far a half empty bottle of Richelue can be thrown

some more disturbances:






ETA: moonflake, a cuckoo for you.


Not yet uhuru : Mail & Guardian Online

Police investigators working on the Boeremag treason trial said this week that the Soweto bombers currently on trial in Pretoria -- Herman van Rooyen, the three Pretorius brothers and Rudi Gouws -- referred to themselves as “Suidlanders”.

Documents found on Boeremag murder and treason accused Wilhelm Pretorius’s computer link the name “Suidlanders” with the Boeremag. Among them was a Suidlander oath. And Mandela’s death was central to the Boeremag apocalypse, which predicted a massacre of whites after his funeral and a right-wing coup d’état.

State witnesses in the Boeremag trial have described the organisation’s plans to stockpile fuel, weapons, ammunition, food and medicine and to create meeting points as a prelude to an uprising.

The emblem adopted by the Suidlanders, which appeared on their internet statement last week, is the same as that used by the Boeremag.

A police investigator said last week’s scaremongering was taken seriously by law enforcers and a possible Boeremag connection was being investigated.

meisiekind2, say it ain’t so :-\

Dunno… maybe just me but… erm…

Got the chain letter mail about a year ago. Read it. LoL’d

Got the DVD the other day. Watched it. LoL’d some more.

Then I had a revelation. Their propaganda reminded me of a best selling book I read a couple years ago. It was just as riveting and sensational as their spam (bah, i mean emails) and DVD’s. The difference is this best seller was written by the 1938 Time magazine man of the year.


For all these “sensationalists”, who so blindly and religiously believe and follow the preachings of Gustav Muller and Die Suidlanders, I recommend Mein Campf. Written by 1938’s Time man of year Adolf Hitler.

Did I get my point across? Or was I too subtle?

Hello & welcome to the forum, anti_idiots. :slight_smile:

What the Suidlanders, et al., those ardent students enrolled in Selective History 101, simply gloss over in their studies is that central European nationalism declined sharply after 1945 as a matter of practical necessity, and continues being buried progressively deeper with each passing year. Passionate doomsayers are mesmerising simply because they exploit our wish to see an all-encompassing “justice” done to those amorphous “whoms” we consider, for whatever reason, our enemies, even if that “justice” includes our own demise.

Mein Kampf cloaked its emotional anti-semitism (and anti-communism) in weak but superficially convincing arguments of historically and ancestrally preordained supremacy, and a vaguely convincing action plan for expediting the inevitable turnaround was advanced. Among the plan’s core requirements was segregation along lines of descent.

Does any of the above ring any bells?

Let me be more blunt: Elsewhere, some have commented on the remarkable similarity between the Swastika and the three-rotating-sevens design, both stylistically and in terms of colour choice, of the AWB, the progenitors of the Suidlanders - at least spiritually. Charisma is no long-term substitute for acuity - just ask Eugene T.

So, your point is well made, though your subtlety may, I fear, be too great to move the audience it’s supposed to.



Sadly, I am feeling a bit pasionate about the whole thing. I can imagine some people would agree with me and share my collective awe and shock at the narrowminded outlook we still have to deal with. It does make me stop and think how some folk just can’t seem to move on after 14 (FOURTEEN) years. Seriously, this time, STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES. I.e. look past your cynical, tunnel visioned outlook of life and see the the bigger picture.

This is the reason why I referred to Mein Kampf. It was written by a narrowminded, certifiable loon that spawned one of the most horrific and darkest times in world history. It is the exact narrowminded mentality that I experienced reading and watching the material from these Neanderthals. I did some googling and was chilled to the bone from what I saw on their forums and blogs.

I am born and raised Afrikaans and I thank the heavens that my parents did not suffer from their mental incapacity. The only accomplishment these people have had, in my opinion, is to ensure the stigma that surrounds Afrikaners has been solidified. It is with much regret they have caused me to spit on my language, culture and heritage. I am as of now deeply ashamed of being and Afrikaner.

Thank you for the warm welcome to this forum.

I don’t think that it is necessary to ‘spit on your language, culture and heritage’. I think you are then making the same mistake as these people. Equating values you live by, with what you are and where you came from. It is important to know and understand where you came from, because it is part of who you are, and helps you understand why you live the way you do. It does not however dictate how you should live your life. Just because you share a history with some people and come from the same culture as them does not mean that you have to have the same values and act the same. I am proud of my history, but only the things that are worthy of being proud of. I am also not ignorant of the things that are part of my history that I am not proud of. I have the opportunity to learn from those mistakes and try to live my life according to my values, correcting the mistakes of the past.

Afrikaner identiteit hoef nie in die geskiedenis gewortel te wees nie, al is dit altyd deel daarvan.

Meisiekind2 :

According to me it is really STUPID to ignore such a thing as uhuru, because yes, fine maybe we will all be fine, maybe it won’t happen, maybe it will, but at least make an effort to get the necessary information and prepare yourself! Otherwise you are going through life BLIND. How can you ignore something that can possibly be dangerous for you and your loved ones, just because you feel like it???!! ???

Uhuru can happen.
When it does, I will be prepared.
If you choose not to, IT IS YOUR PROBLEM, don’t attack people trying to help you.

Because that is all Meisiekind tried to do. What does she get for warning you? What will it change in her life? And what will it change in your life to listen?

Anacoluthon64, you need to understand: Meisiekind2’s information is FREE. You don’t have to buy it; but it will cost nothing of you to TAKE NOTE.

Enjoy your Friday,