Dude/Suidlander/KVZ split from Uhuru

And for the record, I didn’t start with the god thing. Suidlander came on here spouting nonsense about how god helped the boers at bloedrivier and how he’s gonna help them win this war.

This is a forum for skeptics. Uhuru is not the only thing we’re sceptic about you know!
At the risk of generalising, it’s usually the racists that cling to every word that comes out of his imaginary mouth.

stop p!ssing other people off!

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off! :wink:

“Imaginable.” So far, so good.

Please astound me, then. I’m nothing if not ready to learn something new. And if “an oper form such as this is not the right place to discuss things like that” (presumably “an open forum such as this…”), then the question naturally arises why it has been raised here in the first place, and, significantly, what you seek to achieve here by posting. Please explain.

If that’s the case, I submit to you that you’re in the wrong place, here on a sceptical forum, because there’s a consensus among sceptics that Siener was little more than a deluded crackpot. Again, please explain why, as you imply, that particular assessment is untrue.

If I read this correctly, you’re now brandishing a big stick that says, “Shut up, you’re offending my god, I won’t tolerate it.” Sorry, but that’s hardly an argument worth taking seriously.

No, they’ll quite wrongly assume that you’re open to reason, facts and logic, at least initially.


It is equally difficult for me to imagine how you can keep a straight face when you pimp this stuff. Mais, c’est la vie, c’est la guerre.

Yet you are posting here. Why?

Please explain why anyone’s religion should automatically deserve special consideration and respect. Do you respect Hindu polytheism? Or that of the ancient Greeks? Or the religion of Jim Jones’s sect in Jonestown, Guyana?


There you go, a board where you can behave like children and ignore the posting rules. Continue.

…oh yeah, and Suidlander/Dude, if you are not the same person, please demonstrate it in some way, otherwise I’ll just assume I’m correct and delete the extra account.

I never said one persons religion is more important than another, but what is important that you (A.) have a religion, and (B.) respect other peoples religion.

(A.) have a religion, and (B.) respect other peoples religion.

That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all day.

Bold words B.T. But do you respect my religion?

Yeah, Flame Wars :o

bluegray V, as forum Admin, it seems you have reason to suspect deception re the identities of Suidlander/The Dude. Some sockpuppetry afoot, perhaps?

Why is that important?

Why is that important?

By the way, my question wasn’t “why one persons religion is more important than another,” it was, “Please explain why anyone’s religion should automatically deserve special consideration and respect.” I propose that it would be good if posts were accorded due attention before rushing to click the “Reply” link.


but what is important that you (A.) have a religion


(B.) respect other peoples religion.

In the same way that religious people respect my decision to be an atheist?

Sockpuppetry is indeed a possibility, the join button is just as accessible as the reply button it seems :wink:

I suspect it’s Xenu channeling through a schizophrenic troll to teach us sceptical atheists a lesson.

You do realise, mdg, that you’ve captured the entirety of this sceptics’ forum with all its various sub-forums and divergent threads in sixteen succinct words.

Hats off, that’s some pithy achievement!


I don’t think they caught on to the fact that the thread has moved.

Oh well!! Tea anyone??

Finally had time to get through the thread…

Funny, my mom always said, rather to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.


Where are all the posts from yesterday???

The following news should be evidence enough, what happens in Zim affects us all if you like it or not and our president’s lack of action should be a consurn…




In my local news paper there are two stories:

The one is of a military type robbery that happened over the weekend at a shopping center, such an “event” needs funding, look at ATM bombings and cash in transit heists?

The second was about the increase of house breakings and crime due to load shedding and I mentioned in one of my posts (if it is still on this forum) that opportunists will use this to there advantage… And this will make it so much easier to do something like “Uhuru” as we are all getting the hang of load shedding, we would not know the difference from a normal evening and a night of long knives?



Hey Dude

And just as we were having fun, Check it out they have moved us to a new topic: flame wars.

I see ::slight_smile:

Allot of the stuff included there relates to Uhuru and this could make it difficult for people doing research on the subject.

My goal is to give people as much info to make up there own mind, this could complicate matter for them.

I reported the atheist for going off the topic and offending people because of there religion and would expect thing that we have said to stay where the were, so people can see what that people that do agree on the subject have to deal with…

Please look at all the links I send, it’s there for a reason:


Funny how the atheists here don’t expect special favours in the treatment of their beliefs or lack thereof. Funny how the atheists here don’t whine, “Foul!” when challenged to defend their position. Funny how the atheists here keep asking the same questions and getting the same null answers. And funny how the atheists here don’t feel compelled to dwell on and bellyache over the pugnacious belligerence dished out by the religious here.

Funny religion you’ve got, don’t you think?


Funny indeed. It’s almost as if they want atheists to laugh at their beliefs!

And the funniest is that they brought god into the equation. There was no mention of him until suidlander brought him in. Now we’re just waiting for jebus then we can have a threesome.

All the post are still there, just moved. And you can still post in the old thread. I moved it specifically to try and keep the topic clean so people don’t have to wade through a bunch of off topic replies.

What complicates matters is that you keep posting links to articles that have little if any to do with Uhuru.

And people can still see who they have to deal with. Just in another thread.

Case in point. It hasn’t got anything to do with Uhuru. It does not even mention race in the article. Start your own crime thread if you want, but keep on topic.