A continuous source of wonder is the longevity of that fringe art, the religious email (or re-mail). Common sense would dictate that this annoying subculture would have come to an end years ago. But re-mails are alive and well, and cluttering our servers as diligently as ever. And unlike the Crazy Frog, they have very little entertainment value.
From other threads in these forums, I know that I certainly am not the only religious innocent regularly caught up in the crossfire and shrapnel of electronic god-propaganda that ostensibly flies indiscriminately to everyone unfortunate enough to have their details held hostage in the senders arsenal of addresses.
One day you, and a whole list of others, receive an re-mail from someone that you have at least met before, and then it snowballs into flood of re-mails from most of the individuals copied, and before you know it you find yourself in the midst of a happy family of re-mailers.
I must admit that I rarely read these re-mails anymore, and have become quite adroit at recognizing them by merely considering the graphics. It almost always contains pictures of:
Jesus, looking up at a 34° angle.
Jesus with a bunch of kids, now looking down at a 34° angle.
Sunsets, with text over them.
A huge mountain.
Someone climbing a huge mountain.
Assorted flowers, ribbons and bows, usually combined with glittering text.
The sea, or the beach, with text over it (usually in yellow)
Crosses, made from anything really, twigs, ice, lightsabers, sponge cake.
Kittens, or puppies, again with text over them, which makes them quite useless as wallpaper.
Some things that, for some reason, I’ve never seen depicted on re-mails:
A burning bush
Jonah’s whale
A talking snake
This morning I’ve received yet another one. The gist of it: A congregation was freshly assembled in church ready for the pastor to deliver his pearls of wisdom, when two masked men with automatic weapons burst in. They shouted, “Who is prepared to take a bullet for Christ?!” Just about everyone stormed out the Church, except for a group of about 20 people, presumably the only true Christians. One of the gunmen then turns to the pastor, pulls off his balaclava, and wittily remarks:" OK pastor, we got rid of the hypocrites for ya. You may now continue!"
I mean WTF??!! :o
I felt that this one could not just be ignored, so I replied to the sender as follows:
Howzit so-and-so,Please bear in mind that I am an atheist and as such do not buy into the idea of God, Satan or any other imaginary friends or superstitions. I find that reason and science, along with morals and ethics, serves me perfectly well.
Although I’m sure your intentions are commendable from the point of view of your faith, I really have no need for any religious propaganda, and request that you take me off your distribution list.
Unless of course you can present testable evidence for the existence of God, which will be of great scientific interest to me and millions of sceptics globally.
Keep well,
My reply is probably far from perfect, but it did give me an intense feeling of liberation. If you’ve made any replies to re-mails, please list them in this thread.
Maybe we can build up a library of responses and evolve the ultimate brilliant reply that can be used by all as an universal anti re-mail response.